Online Respiratory Lab Manual- Index

1. Handwashing
2. Isolation Procedures
      Standard Precautions
     Transmission Based Precautions
     Contact Precautions
     Droplet Precautions
     Airborne Precautions
3. Ventilator Associated Peumonia
4. Drug Resistent Organisims
     Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis (MDR TB)

5. Sterilization/Disenfection
      Ethylene Oxide

1. Breath Sounds
2. Normal Breath Sounds
     Bronchial Sounds
     Bronchovesicular Sounds
    Vesicular Sounds
3. Abnormal Breath Sounds
4. Vocal Sounds
     Whispered Pectoriloquy
5. Chest Assessment
     Tactile Fremitus
6. Vital Signs
     Blood Pressure
     Respiratory Rate
7. Medical Records/Charting
     Respiratory Care Notes
     Therapist Driven Protocols (TDP's)

     Medical Gas Distribution Systems
     Oxygen Cylinders
     Oxygen Regulators & Flowmeters
        Bourdon Gauge
        Thorpe Tube Flowmeters
     Oxygen Therapy Delivery Devices
        Nasal Cannula
        Simple Oxygen Mask
        Partial Re-Breathing Mask
        Non-Rebreathing Mask
        Air Entrainment Masks
        Entrainment Ratios Chart
        Jet Nebulizer
        Gas Injection Nebulizer
     Oxygen Calculations & Equations
        Total Flow- Using the "Magic Box
        Tank Duration
        Alveolar Air Equation
        A-a Gradient
        Arterial & Venous O2 Content
        Heliox Flow Rates
         Body Humidity  

    Aerosolized Drug Administration
        Nebulizer Designs
        MDI Drug Administration
        DPI Drug Administration

    Chest Physiotherapy
    Postural Drainage
    Incentive Spirometry
    Positive Expiratory Pressure (PEP Therapy)
    Intermitten Positive Pressure Breathing (IPPB)
    High-Frequency Chest Compression
    Deeep Breathing & Clearance Techniques

    Pulse Oximetry
    Arterial Blood Gas Technique
    Arterial Blood Gas Analysis
    Arterial Line Insertion
    Arterial Line Blood Withdrawal
    Capillary Blood Withdrawal
    Transcutaneous Monitoring
    Indirect Calorimetry (Metabolic Cart)
    Cardiac Strees Testing & Analysis
    ECG Monitoring & Interpretation
    Polysomnography (Sleep Studies)
    Basic Laboratory Values
    Bedside Spirometry
    Complete Pulmonary Function Testing
    Bronchial Provocation (Challenge) Testing
    Exhaled Nitric Oxide
    PFT Quality Control Standards
    Pulmonary Artery Catheter Line
    Chest Tube Insertion

     Bag/Mask Ventilation


1. Handwashing:

Infectious diseases that are commonly spread through hand-to-hand contact include the common cold, flu and several gastrointestinal disorders, such as infectious diarrhea. The combination of the flu and pneumonia, in fact, is the eighth-leading cause of death among Americans. Inadequate hand hygiene also contributes to food-related illnesses, such as salmonella and E. coli infection. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as many as 76 million Americans get a food-borne illness each year. Of these, about 5,000 die as a result of their illness.
Others experience the annoying signs and symptoms of nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Good hand-washing techniques include washing your hands with soap and water or using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Antimicrobial wipes or towelettes are just as effective as soap and water in cleaning your hands but aren't as good as alcohol-based sanitizers. Antibacterial soaps have become increasingly popular in recent years. However, these soaps are no more effective at killing germs than is regular soap. Using antibacterial soaps may lead to the development of bacteria that are resistant to the products' antimicrobial agents — making it even harder to kill these germs in the future. In general, regular soap is fine. The combination of scrubbing your hands with soap — antibacterial or not — and rinsing them with water loosens and removes bacteria from your hands.(

# Wet your hands with warm, running water and apply liquid soap or use clean bar soap. Lather well.
# Rub your hands vigorously together for at least 15 to 20 seconds.
# Scrub all surfaces, including the backs of your hands, wrists, between your fingers and under your fingernails.
# Rinse well.
# Dry your hands with a clean or disposable towel.

2. Isolation Procedures:

Standard Precautions-

Assume that every person is potentially infected or colonized with an organism that could be transmitted in the healthcare setting and apply the following infection control practices during the delivery of health care. Combines the major features of Universal Precautions (UP) and Body Substance Isolation (BSI) and are based on the principle that all blood, body fluids, secretions, excretions except sweat, nonintact skin, and mucous membranes may contain transmissible infectious agents. Standard Precautions include a group of infection prevention practices that apply to all patients, regardless of suspected or confirmed infection status, in any setting in which healthcare is delivered. These include: hand hygiene; use of gloves, gown, mask, eye protection, or face shield, depending on the anticipated exposure; and safe injection practices. Also, equipment or items in the patient environment likely to have been contaminated with infectious body fluids must be handled in a manner to prevent transmission of infectious agents (e.g., wear gloves for direct contact, contain heavily soiled equipment, properly clean and disinfect or sterilize reusable equipment before use on another patient). New elecments of standard precaution include: Respiratory Hygiene/Cough Etiquette, safe injection practices, and use of masks for insertion of catheters or injection of material into spinal or epidural spaces via lumbar puncture procedures (e.g., myelogram, spinal or epidural anesthesia). While most elements of Standard Precautions evolved from Universal Precautions that were developed for protection of healthcare personnel, these new elements of Standard Precautions focus on protection of patients.

- The transmission of SARS-CoV in emergency departments by patients and their family members during the widespread SARS outbreaks in 2003 highlighted the need for vigilance and prompt implementation of infection control measures at the first point of encounter within a healthcare setting (e.g., reception and triage areas in emergency departments, outpatient clinics, and physician offices).

- Healthcare personnel are advised to observe Droplet Precautions (i.e., wear a mask) and hand hygiene when examining and caring for patients with signs and symptoms of a respiratory infection. Healthcare personnel who have a respiratory infection are advised to avoid direct patient contact, especially with high risk patients. If this is not possible, then a mask should be worn while providing patient care.

Transmission Based Precautions-

There are three categories of Transmission-Based Precautions:
Contact Precautions
Droplet Precautions
Airborne Precautions.
Transmission-Based Precautions are used when the route(s) of transmission is (are) not completely interrupted using Standard Precautions alone. For some diseases that have multiple routes of transmission (e.g., SARS), more than one Transmission-Based Precautions category may be used. When used either singly or in combination, they are always used in addition to Standard Precautions.

Contact Precautions-

Contact Precautions are intended to prevent transmission of infectious agents, including epidemiologically important microorganisms, which are spread by direct or indirect contact with the patient or the patient's environment. ontact Precautions also apply where the presence of excessive wound drainage, fecal incontinence, or other discharges from the body suggest an increased potential for extensive environmental contamination and risk of transmission. A single patient room is preferred for patients who require Contact Precautions. Healthcare personnel caring for patients on Contact Precautions should wear a gown and gloves for all interactions that may involve contact with the patient or potentially contaminated areas in the patient's environment. Donning PPE before room entry and discarding before exiting the patient room is done to contain pathogens, especially those that have been implicated in transmission through environmental contamination

Droplet Precautions-

Droplet Precautions are intended to prevent transmission of pathogens spread through close respiratory or mucous membrane contact with respiratory secretions.. Because these pathogens do not remain infectious over long distances in a healthcare facility, special air handling and ventilation are not required to prevent droplet transmission. Droplet Precautions are indicated are for conditions such as. pertussis, influenza virus, adenovirus, rhinovirus, N. meningitides, and group A streptococcus.Healthcare personnel wear a mask (a respirator is not necessary) for close contact with infectious patient; the mask is generally donned upon room entry. Patients on Droplet Precautions who must be transported outside of the room should wear a mask if tolerated and follow Respiratory Hygiene/Cough Etiquette. Use Droplet Precautions for patients known or suspected to be infected with pathogens transmitted by respiratory droplets (i.e., large-particle droplets >5µ in size) that are generated by a patient who is coughing, sneezing or talking.

Airborne Precautions-
Airborne Precautions prevent transmission of infectious agents that remain infectious over long distances when suspended in the air (e.g., rubeola virus [measles], varicella virus [chickenpox], Mycobacterium. tuberculosis, and possibly SARS-CoV). The preferred placement for patients who require Airborne Precautions is in an airborne infection isolation room (AIIR). An AIIR is a single-patient room that is equipped with special air handling and ventilation capacity that meet the American Institute of Architects/Facility Guidelines Institute (AIA/FGI) standards for AIIRs (i.e., monitored negative pressure relative to the surrounding area, 12 air exchanges per hour for new construction and renovation and 6 air exchanges per hour for existing facilities, air exhausted directly to the outside or recirculated through HEPA filtration before return).In settings where Airborne Precautions cannot be implemented due to limited engineering resources (e.g., physician offices), masking the patient, placing the patient in a private room (e.g., office examination room) with the door closed, and providing N95 or higher level respirators or masks if respirators are not available for healthcare personnel will reduce the likelihood of airborne transmission until the patient is either transferred to a facility with an AIIR or returned to the home environment, as deemed medically appropriate. Whenever possible, non-immune HCWs should not care for patients with vaccine-preventable airborne diseases (e.g., measles, chickenpox, and smallpox).(

3. Ventilator Associated Pneumonia- (VAP Considerations)

Ventilator Associated Pneumonia is a nosocmial pneumonia that develops in a patient intubated for 48 hours or more. Pneumonia has accounted for approximately 15% of all hospital-associated infections and 27% and 24% of all infections acquired in the medical intensive-care unit (ICU) and coronary care unit, respectively. It has been the second most common hospital-associated infection after that of the urinary tract. The primary risk factor for the development of hospital-associated bacterial pneumonia is mechanical ventilation (with its requisite endotracheal intubation). Oral hygiene has been proven to help reduce healthcare-acquired pneumonias (HAPs), including ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) and aspiration pneumonia. In fact, the CDC now requires acute care hospitals to “develop and implement a comprehensive oral hygiene program" for patients at risk for healthcare-associated pneumonia. The CDC’s National Nosocomial Infection Surveillance System (NNIS) reported that in 2002, the median rate of VAP per thousand ventilator-days in NNIS hospitals ranged from 2.2 in pediatric ICUs to 14.7 in trauma ICUs. In other reports, patients receiving continuous mechanical ventilation had 6-21 times the risk of developing hospital-associated pneumonia compared with patients who were not receiving mechanical ventilation. Because of this tremendous risk, in the last two decades, most of the research on hospital-associated pneumonia has been focused on VAP. (
Reference Document: VAP Reference Document

4. Drug Resistant Organisims-

Antibiotic resistance has been called one of the world's most pressing public health problems. Almost every type of bacteria has become stronger and less responsive to antibiotic treatment when it is really needed. These antibiotic-resistant bacteria can quickly spread to family members, schoolmates, and co-workers - threatening the community with a new strain of infectious disease that is more difficult to cure and more expensive to treat. For this reason, antibiotic resistance is among CDC's top concerns. Antibiotic resistance can cause significant danger and suffering for children and adults who have common infections, once easily treatable with antibiotics. Microbes can develop resistance to specific medicines. A common misconception is that a person's body becomes resistant to specific drugs. However, it is microbes, not people, that become resistant to the drugs. If a microbe is resistant to many drugs, treating the infections it causes can become difficult or even impossible. Someone with an infection that is resistant to a certain medicine can pass that resistant infection to another person. In this way, a hard-to-treat illness can be spread from person to person. In some cases, the illness can lead to serious disability or even death.

Antibiotic resistance occurs when bacteria change in some way that reduces or eliminates the effectiveness of drugs, chemicals, or other agents designed to cure or prevent infections. The bacteria survive and continue to multiply causing more harm. Bacteria can do this through several mechanisms. Some bacteria develop the ability to neutralize the antibiotic before it can do harm, others can rapidly pump the antibiotic out, and still others can change the antibiotic attack site so it cannot affect the function of the bacteria.

Antibiotics kill or inhibit the growth of susceptible bacteria. Sometimes one of the bacteria survives because it has the ability to neutralize or escape the effect of the antibiotic; that one bacterium can then multiply and replace all the bacteria that were killed off. Exposure to antibiotics therefore provides selective pressure, which makes the surviving bacteria more likely to be resistant. In addition, bacteria that were at one time susceptible to an antibiotic can acquire resistance through mutation of their genetic material or by acquiring pieces of DNA that code for the resistance properties from other bacteria. The DNA that codes for resistance can be grouped in a single easily transferable package. This means that bacteria can become resistant to many antimicrobial agents because of the transfer of one piece of DNA.
Listen to Drug Resistant Antibiotics - PODCAST

What is multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR TB)?

* Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR TB) is TB that is resistant to at least two of the best anti-TB medications, isoniazid and rifampin. These medications are considered first-line drugs and are used to treat all persons with drug-susceptible TB disease.
* A more serious form of MDR TB is called extensively drug-resistant TB (XDR TB). XDR TB is a relatively rare type of TB that is resistant to nearly all medicines used to treat TB disease. Because XDR TB is resistant to the most effective TB medicines used to treat TB, patients are left with very limited useful treatment options.
* Treatment for MDR TB is considerably less effective, more toxic, and more expensive than for drug-susceptible TB. MDR TB, as is XDR TB, is a difficult to treat disease that is often fatal.
* Treatment of MDR TB requires a patient to take 18–24 months of medication, including taking multiple second-line medications, to kill the bacteria.


Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a type of bacteria that is resistant to certain antibiotics. These antibiotics include methicillin and other more common antibiotics such as oxacillin, penicillin and amoxicillin. Staph infections, including MRSA, occur most frequently among persons in hospitals and healthcare facilities (such as nursing homes and dialysis centers) who have weakened immune systems. MRSA infections that occur in otherwise healthy people who have not been recently (within the past year) hospitalized or had a medical procedure (such as dialysis, surgery, catheters) are known as community-associated (CA)-MRSA infections. These infections are usually skin infections, such as abscesses, boils, and other pus-filled lesions. The main mode of transmission to other patients is through human hands, especially healthcare workers' hands. Hands may become contaminated with MRSA bacteria by contact with infected or colonized patients. If appropriate hand hygiene such as washing with soap and water or using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer is not performed, the bacteria can be spread when the healthcare worker touches other patients. MRSA is becoming more prevalent in healthcare settings. According to CDC data, the proportion of infections that are antimicrobial resistant has been growing. In 1974, MRSA infections accounted for two percent of the total number of staph infections; in 1995 it was 22%; in 2004 it was 63%..(
Listen to Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA)- PODCAST

5. Sterilization/Disenfection
Disenfection- Disinfection is using an agent that destroys germs or other harmful microbes or inactivates them, usually referred to chemicals that kill the growing forms (vegetative forms) but not the resistant spores of bacteria.
Sterilization- Any process, physical or chemical, that will destroy all forms of life, including bacterial, mold, spores, and viruses.
Antisepsis- Destruction of pathogenic microorganisms existing in their vegetative state on living tissue
Sanitize- To reduce the population of microbes on inanimate objects to a safe level as judged by public health authorities


Sterilizization of any equipment that is properly prepared and processed. Combines high heat, moisture, and pressure: Temp.=121-126°C @1-2Atm.Equipment must be washed with a detergent, rinsed, and then packaged in a porous material, e.g., milar Typical settings are 121°C @ 15 psi for 15 min. or 121°C @ 30 psi for 3 min. Indicator tape changes color to verify if exposure sufficient for sterilization. Melts most plastics, can dull surgical instruments. Cannot be used on electronic devices.


Involves heating a liquid to temperatures sufficient to destroy vegetative organsims. Equipment is immersed in hot water bath at 63°C for 30 min. Disinfects, does not sterilize. The moist heat coagulates the cellular protein of microbes. Spores are not destroyed. Prepare equipment by disassembling, washing in detergent, and then rinsing. After pasteurization remove equipment and place in drying cabinet. When dry, assemble, package and date equipment. Advantages of pasteurization include: safe for plastics, less expensive than chemicals, no employee exposure to chemicals.

Ethylene Oxide-

Is a toxic gas that is combined with moisture and heat to sterilize equipment. Effectiveness depends on equipment prep., gas [ ], humidity, and temp. Works by affecting the enzymes, reproduction, and metabolism of microbes.
Prepare equipment by washing in detergent, rinsing, and allow to dry (ethylene glycol). After drying, place in porous package. Expose package to gas [ ] of 800-1000 mg/L that is mixed with CO2 or freon (decreased explosion hazard), 49-57°C, 30-60% humidity, for 3-4 hours. After EtO, aerate equip. in special cabinet for 12 hr. - several days, depending on material.


Chemical used to cold sterilize or disinfect equipment by immersion. “Cidex” is most common example. Can be alkaline or acid glutaraldehyde. Disassemble equipment, wash in detergent, rinse, shake dry, and immerse in glutaraldehyde. Alkaline glutaraldehyde. - disinfection after 10 min., sterilization after 10 hours. Acid glutaraldehyde. - disinfection. after 20 min.. After immersion, rinse with sterile water or bleach solution and allow to dry in a drying cabinet. Dermal sensitivity or allergy to fumes with some people. Good for rubber and plastic, not electronic equipment. Life of product varies from 14 - 30 days.


Ethyl and isopropyl are most common disinfectants. 70% isopropyl is bactericidal and fungicidal but not sporacidal. Work by damaging cell walls.


1. Breath Sounds

Breath sounds can be classified into two categories, either NORMAL or ABNORMAL (adventitious). Breath sounds originate in the large airways where air velocity and turbulence induce vibrations in the airway walls. These vibrations are then transmitted through the lung tissue and thoracic wall to the surface where they may be heard readily with the aid of a stethescope. Normal breath sound production is directly related to air flow velocity and airway lumen architecture. Air flow velocity is primarily determined by pulmonary ventilation (­minute volume ® ­ velocity) and TOTAL cross sectional airway area ( area ® ­ velocity) at any given level in the lungs.

Normal Breath Sounds-

Bronchial Sounds
Bronchial breath sounds consist of a full inspiratory and expiratory phase with the inspiratory phase usually being louder. They are normally heard over the trachea and larynx. Bronchial sounds are not normally heard over the thorax.. They may be heard over the hilar region in normal animals that are breathing hard (i.e. after exercise). Otherwise, bronchial sounds heard over the thorax suggest lung consolidation and pulmonary disease. Pulmonary consolidation results in improved transmission of breath sounds originating in the trachea and primary bronchi that are then heard at increased intensity over the thorax.
Listen to- Bronchail Breath Sounds

Bronchovesicular Sounds
Bronchovesicular breath sounds consist of a full inspiratory phase with a shortened and softer expiratory phase. They are normally heard over the hilar region in most resting individuals and should be quieter than the tracheal breath sounds. Increased intensity of bronchovesicular sounds is most often associated with increased ventilation or pulmonary consolidation.
Listen to_ Bronchovesicular Breath Sounds

Vesicular Sounds
Vesicular breath sounds consist of a quiet, wispy inspiratory phase followed by a short, almost silent expiratory phase. They are heard over the periphery of the lung field. As stated earlier, these sounds are NOT produced by air moving through the terminal bronchioles and alveoli but rather are the result of attenuation of breath sounds produced in the bronchi at the hilar region of the lungs. These sounds may be absent or silent in the periphery of normal resting animals. They are highly variable in intensity depending on the species, ventilation, and body condition. Increased intensity may be associated with pulmonary consolidation.
Listen to- Vesicular Breath Sounds

Abnormal Breath Sounds

Crackles are discontinuous, explosive, "popping" sounds that originate within the airways. They are heard when an obstructed airway suddenly opens and the pressures on either side of the obstruction suddenly equilibrates resulting in transient, distinct vibrations in the airway wall. The dynamic airway obstruction can be caused by either accumulation of secretions within the airway lumen or by airway collapse caused by pressure from inflammation or edema in surrounding pulmonary tissue. Crackles can be heard during inspiration when intrathoracic negative pressure results in opening of the airways or on expiration when thoracic positive pressure forces collapsed or blocked airways open. Crackles are heard more commonly during inspiration than expiration. They are significant as they imply either accumulation of fluid secretions or exudate within airways or inflammation and edema in the pulmonary tissue.
Listen to- Crackles

Wheezes are continuous musical tones that are most commonly heard at end inspiration or early expiration. They result as a collapsed airway lumen gradually opens during inspiration or gradually closes during expiration. As the airway lumen becomes smaller, the air flow velocity increases resulting in harmonic vibration of the airway wall and thus the musical tonal quality. Wheezes can be classified as either high pitched or low pitched wheezes. It is often inferred that high pitch wheezes are associated with disease of the small airways and low pitch wheezes are associated with disease of larger airways. However, this association has not been confirmed. Wheezes may be monophonic (a single pitch and tonal quality heard over an isolated area) or polyphonic (multiple pitches and tones heard over a variable area of the lung). Wheezes are significant as they imply decreased airway lumen diameter either due to thickening of reactive airway walls or collapse of airways due to pressure from surrounding pulmonary disease.
Listen to- Wheezes

Stridor are intense continuous monophonic wheezes heard loudest over extrathoracic airways. They tend to be accentuated during inspiration when extrathoracic airways collapse due to lower internal lumen pressure. They can often be heard without the aid of a stethoscope. Careful auscultation with a stethoscope can usually identify an area of maximum intensity that is associated with the airway obstruction. This is typically either at the larynx or at the thoracic inlet. These extrathoracic sounds are often referred down the airways and can often be heard over the thorax and are often mistaken as pulmonary wheezes. Stridor is significant and indicates upper airway obstruction.
Listen to- Stridor

Vocal Sounds

Egophony is the Greek word for "Voice of the Goat". This sound is the "EEEEE" to "AAAAA" conversion that a person will make when being asked to say "EEEEE" while the auscultator listens to the lungs which is heard by the auscultator as "AAAAA" through the stethoscope.
Listen to- Egophony

Whispered Pectoriloquy
Whispered Pectoriloquy is the sound that is heard through the stethoscope by the auscultator when the patient whispers a word or a number. Normally, whispered sounds are not heard through the chest wall. Because of fluid buildup in the alveolar regions of the lung, the whispered sound can be heard distinctly.
Listen to- Whispered Pectoriloquy

Chest Assessment


The chest and lung transmit a vibration, called fremitus, during speech. Fremitus abnormalities may be felt in chronic obstructive lung diseases or obesity, in which the vibration is diminished, and in pneumonia, in which it is increased over the infected lobe. Determine the range of respiratory movement (how far the chest expands when he inhales and how far the chest contracts when he exhales). You can also feel symmetry of respiratory movement (whether or not the body parts feel the same on both sides during a respiration).


Tapping on the chest wall over healthy lung results in a hollow resonant sound. The hollow character of the resonance sometimes is exaggerated in emphysematous lungs or in pneumothorax, and muffled by pleural effusions or pulmonary consolidation.

Tactile Fremitus
When a person speaks, vibrations that can be felt are transmitted through the bronchopulmonary system to the chest wall. These vibrations can best be felt when a person says the words "ninety-nine" or "one-oneone." Ask the person to speak louder or lower his head if you cannot feel the vibrations.

Vital Signs

Blood Pressure
Blood pressure is the pressure exerted on the wall of the artery or vein as blood is pumped through the body. Blood does not flow readily, it surges along with each beat of the heart. The walls of the arteries are thicker than the veins and as such much more force is generated allowing us to record that pressure.
As the blood is pumped through the vessels a turbulence is heard. These sounds are created by turbulence as the blood begins to flow through the arteries after the blood pressure cuff has temporarily stopped the flow by the pressure exerted as it was inflated. When the sound is first heard, this is the systolic pressure; and when the sound ceases as the turbulence ends, the diastolic pressure is determined. As blood is pumped through the body it exerts pressure on the veins and arteries. The systolic pressure is the pressure as the heart contracts and pumps the blood. The diastolic pressure is the pressure in the vessels when the heart is at rest between beats. Blood pressure is recorded as a fraction such as 110/70. The systolic pressure is the top number and the diastolic number is the bottom number. Read more:
Video of How to take a Blood pressure

The pulse is checked as one indicator of abnormalities of the heart by observing the rate, rhythm, and the strength and tension of the beat against the arterial wall. The pulse may be recorded hourly to every four hours, or p.r.n. (when required), based on the patient's condition. For example, the pulse may be recorded postoperatively every 15 minutes in the recovery room. The average heart rate for older children and adults can range from 50 to 90 beats per minute (bpm). This is an average; rates vary between males and females, with age, and with the patient's health and level of fitness. It is not abnormal for athletes to display a low pulse rate.

The pulse is an indicator of the health of the heart and the arterial circulation. Such factors as anxiety, medication, or pulmonary disease may also cause the heart rate to be faster or slower. A low-volume, or weak, pulse may be caused by a number of factors, including myocardial infarction, shock, intracranial pressure, or the use of vasoconstrictor drugs. Pulse pressure may become raised due to arteriosclerosis, as the heart has to pump harder to promote the flow of blood around the body. This high-pressure pulse is called a bounding pulse, and may also be caused by such conditions as fever, pregnancy, or thyrotoxicosis. It may also be an indicator that pulmonary disease is present.

Respiratory Rate
The number of breaths per minute or, more formally, the number of movements indicative of inspiration and expiration per unit time. In practice, the respiratory rate is usually determined by counting the number of times the chest rises or falls per minute. By whatever means, the aim is to determine if the respirations are normal, abnormally fast (tachypnea), abnormally slow (bradypnea), or nonexistent (apnea). Normal respiratyr rate is about 10-20 breaths per minute. Hypoxemia can result in an increased respiratory rate and certain drugs or injuries to the brain stem can cause a fall in baseline respiratory rate.

Normal" body temperature as an oral temperature is around 98.6 °F. This is an average of normal body temperatures. Your temperature may actually be 1°F or more above or below 98.6 °F. Also, your normal body temperature changes by as much as 1°F throughout the day, depending on how active you are and the time of day. Temperature readings, even in the same individual, may be different in different regions of the body, and may be influenced by the ambient temperature and other external factors. Body temperature is very sensitive to hormone levels and may be higher or lower when a woman is ovulating or having her menstrual period.

In most adults, an oral temperature above 100 °F (37.8 °C) or a rectal or ear temperature above 101 °F (38.3 °C) is considered a fever. A child has a fever when his or her rectal temperature is 100.4 °F (38 °C) or higher.
Infections is the most common cause of a fever. Infections may affect the whole body or a specific body part (localized infection). • Medications, such as antibiotics, narcotics, barbiturates, antihistamines, and many others. These are called drug fevers. Some medications, such as antibiotics, raise the body temperature directly; others interfere with the body's ability to readjust its temperature when other factors cause the temperature to rise.
• Severe trauma or injury, such as a heart attack, stroke, heat exhaustion or heatstroke, or burns.
• Other medical conditions, such as arthritis, hyperthyroidism and even some cancers, such as leukemia, Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and liver and lung cancer. Can a low body temperature be dangerous

An abnormally low body temperature (hypothermia) can be serious, even life-threatening. Low body temperature may occur from cold exposure, shock, alcohol or drug use, or certain metabolic disorders, such as diabetes or hypothyroidism. A low body temperature may also be present with an infection, particularly in newborns, older adults, or people who are frail. An overwhelming infection may also cause an abnormally low body temperature.

Medical Records/Charting

The patient medical record serves as the official medical documentation. It can be either in paper format or digital (paperless). The record contains confidential information and is protected under the HIPPA regulations. Patient information should not be shared or accessed by anyone not having a direct care relationship with that patient. Respiratory Therapsist's document in the medical record sush things as therapies administered, alterations in the plan of care (TDP's) and patient condition changes (progress notes).

Respiratory Care Notes:
SOAP- A form of patient notation that documents in the following four domain areas:
Subjective- Findings in the words of the patient such as " I am having chest pain"
Objective- Patient assessment and other pertinent data.
Assessment- Problem list of patient (potential diagnosis and findings)
Plan- Modifications and or reccomendations to the plan of care

Therapist Driven Protocols (TDP's)
Respiratory care protocols, also called therapist-driven protocols and patient-driven protocols, are structured guide-lines for respiratory therapies that are implemented, adjusted, and discontinued by respiratory care practitioners (RCPs) under physician oversight. The main impetus for respiratory protocols is to enhance appropriate prescription of respiratory care services and/or to minimize misallocation, which has been shown to occur commonly in many types of health care institutions and for a broad range of respiratory care services.

Available studies reporting misallocation of respiratory care, consists both of "overordering" and of "under-ordering" respiratory care. Most studies focus on "over-ordering" (ie, ordering services that are unlikely to provide clinical benefit), the frequency of which ranges from 25% (for 5 respiratory care services examined by Kester and Stoller7) to 61% for bronchopulmonary hygiene.9-10 Studies published since the earlier review show similar rates of misallocation. For example, in an examination of bronchopulmonary hygiene ordering at University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) Medical Center, Alexander et al10 reported that orders for 59.6% of patients examined were deemed inappropriate.

In summary, available evidence suggests the following conclusions:
1. Misallocation of respiratory care services is common, and occurs in many types of health care institutions (eg, adult and pediatric, academic and private) and for a variety of respiratory care services.
2. Both over-ordering and under-ordering occur. Although over-ordering seems more common, the paucity of available studies and the sampling frames considered suggest that reported frequencies of under-ordering are underestimates.

Possible Reasons for Misallocation of Respiratory Care Services
Understanding the reasons that misallocation occurs can suggest strategies to lessen misallocation. Though sparsely studied, three possible reasons have been proposed:
1. Respiratory care conditions are frequently misdiagnosed, leading to the prescription of inappropriate therapies.
2. Respiratory care treatments are prescribed more cavalierly than drugs, with inadequate attention to appropriate dose and frequency.
3. Health care providers who are empowered to order respiratory care services lack appropriate knowledge about rlying principles to make optimal prescribing decisions.

Stoller JK. The rationale for therapist-driven protocols (review). Respir Care Clin N Am 1996:2(1): 1¬14.
More Refernces for Therapist Driven Protocols



21% O2 in atmosphere, partial pressure varies with barometric pressure. Normal at 1 atmophere (760 mmHg) is PO2 of 159 mmHg.
Supports combustion, nonflammable
Be careful around petroleum products- influence ignition of oxygen.
Oxygen has paramagnetic properties
Fractional Distillation is the method for manufacturing oxygen commercially.

Medical Gas Distribution Systems

Liquid Reservoir Systems (Bulk Supply)
Stored liquid oxygen at a temp of -183 Celsius
1: 861 ratio. 1 cubic foot of liquid oxygen expands to 861 feet of gaseous oxygen.
This is allows for large amounts of storage.
Liquid is vaporized to a gas and
reduced to a pressure of 50 psi and
fed into hospital piping systems.

Oxygen Cylinders

Oxygen cylinders (compressed gas)
Available in variety of sizes. Employs Safety Connections (PISS & DISS)
H & E cylinders most common in hospital.
H cylinder weighs 135 lbs contains 244 cu/ft O2
E cylinder weighs 16 lbs contains 22 cu/ft O2
Cylinder construction regulated by DOT
Cylinder labeling regulated by FDA

Oxygen Regulators & Flowmeters

Regulators or reducing valves reduce pressure to a working pressure.
Many different types of reducing valves: single stage, double stage etc..
Flowmeters are used to control and indicate flow.
Flowmeters operate by restriction of flow with a variable orifice.
Bourdon Guage and Thorpe Tube are common types of flowmeters.

Bourdon Gauge

Used in oxygen transport.
Backpressure downstream will result in inaccurate flow readings (higher flow reading then actual delivererd.)
Flow is accurately displayed regardless of tank position.
Should not be used with nebulizers and other devices that increase downstream pressures.

Thorpe Tube Flowmeters

Operate using a variable orifice.
Employs needle valve and float.
Needle valve controls flow.
Float (little ball) measures flow.
Can be pressure compensated or non-pressure compensated devices.
Pressure compensated most commonly used and reads “accurate” in the face of back pressure.

Oxygen Therapy Delivery Devices

Divided into High Flow or Low Flow devices.
Low flow device may not meet patient inspiratory flow demands.. Delivered FIO2 not guaranteed.
High Flow devices typically provide enough total flow to meet inspiratory demands therefore delivering a more accurate FIO2.
High flow does not necessarily mean High FIO2!

Nasal Cannula

Low Flow Device. Typically used between 1-6 lpm
Most commonly used O2 device. Delivered FIO2 dependent on two factors:
Set Flow and patients inspiratory flow. Humidify flow at 4 liters or above.
Estimated delivered FIO2 for flow rates:
1 liters= 24% 2 liters= 28%
3 liters= 32% 4 liters= 36%
5 liters= 40% 6 liters= 44%

Simple Oxygen Mask

Oxygen flow rate setting 5-12 lpm
Low flow device
FiO2 delivery range 30%-60% depending on set flow rate and depth of breathing (tidal volume/minute volume.)
Minimum flow of 5L needs to be set to prevent CO2 re-breathing.
Should only be used for short periods of time in the event a Cannula is not available.
May or may not be humidified.

Partial Re-Breathing Mask

Basically a simple mask with reservoir bag attached. Low flow device.
Set flow between 8-15 Lpm to assure reservoir bag is at least half full during inspiration.
The first 1/3 of expired gas enters the reservoir bag. No one way valves between bag and mask.
Delivered FIO2 range between 40%- 70%.

Non-Rebreathing Mask

Considered high or Low flow device. Incorporation of 1 way valves on mask and above reservoir bag.
One way valve over reservoir bag prevents expired gas from entering bag.
One way valve(s) over the ports limits entrainment of room air.
Typical minimum set flow rates 10-15 Lpm.
Bag should not collapse on inspiration.
Delivered FIO2 60-80% with 1 valve. Up to 100% with two port valves attached.

Air Entrainment Masks

Venturi Mask. High flow device.
FIO2 range 24%-50%. Set flow rate dependent on selected FIO2 adapter
Components: mask, jet, entrainment ports.
Principle of operation: Viscous shearing forces of gas through jet entrains room air.
Delivered FIO2 dependent on jet size, flow rate and entrainment port size.
Lower FIO2’s= higher total flows and vice/versa.
Entrainment Ratios Chart
Fi02 Setting Oxygen Flow Entrainment Ratio Total Flow
24% 4 liters 1:25 104 LPM
28% 4 liters 1:10 44 LPM
31% 6 liters 1:7 48 LPM
35% 8 liters 1:5 48 LPM
40% 8 liters 1:3 32 LPM
50% 12 liters 1:1.7 32 LPM
60% 12 liters 1:1 24 LPM
70% 12 liters 1:0.6 19 LPM
Calculate Total Flow
Oxygen liter flow multiplied by the air entrainment ratio:
35% venturi mask running at 8 liters, what is the total flow?
1:5 ratio for a 35% mask (6 x 8= 48 liters)
In the case of a 1:5 ratio, the “1” represents the oxygen flow and the “5” represents the airflow.
In other words, you have (1 x 8= 8 liters O2)
You have 5 x 8= 40 liters of O2
Total flow= 48 liters

Jet Nebulizer

High Flow System
Works on Bernoulli’s principle
FiO2 range 28%-100%
Flowmeter should be set between 8 liters & flush
Can be used with aerosol mask, t-piece, trach collar or face tent.
Water condensation in tubing will create back pressure resulting in a increase in delivered FIO2 but a decrease in total flow delivery.
Can be heated to help with secretion maintenance

Jet Nebulizer Components

Gas Injection Nebulizer (GIN)

High Flow device. Deliver 100% FIO2 at 40 liters
Can be hooked to the 50 psi high pressure outlet.
Cab be run off air or oxygen gas source depending on desired/range of FIO2.
Accessory tube acts as a bleed in. FIO2 should be analyzed.

Oxygen Calculations & Equations

Total Flow- Using the "Magic Box"

Tank Duration

Alveolar Air Equation

P(A-a)O2 Gradient

Arterial & Venous O2 Content

Heliox Flow Rates

Body Humidity

Aerosolized Drug Administration

Aerosolized medications have been used for centuries to treat respiratory diseases. Until recently, inhalation therapy focused primarily on the treatment of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and the pressurized metered-dose inhaler was the delivery device of choice. However, the role of aerosol therapy is clearly expanding beyond that initial focus. This expansion has been driven by the Montreal protocol and the need to eliminate chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) from traditional metered-dose inhalers, by the need for delivery devices and formulations that can efficiently and reproducibly target the systemic circulation for the delivery of proteins and peptides, and by developments in medicine that have made it possible to consider curing lung diseases with aerosolized gene therapy and preventing epidemics of influenza and measles with aerosolized vaccines.

Each of these drivers has contributed to a decade or more of unprecedented research and innovation that has altered how we think about aerosol delivery and has expanded the role of aerosol therapy into the fields of systemic drug delivery, gene therapy, and vaccination. During this decade of innovation, we have witnessed the coming of age of dry powder inhalers, the development of new soft mist inhalers, and improved pressurized metered-dose inhaler delivery as a result of the replacement of CFC propellants with hydrofluoroalkane. The continued expansion of the role of aerosol therapy will probably depend on demonstration of the safety of this route of administration
for drugs that have their targets outside the lung and are administered long term (eg, insulin aerosol), on the development of new drugs and drug carriers that can efficiently target hard-toreach cell populations within the lungs of patients with disease (eg, patients with cystic fibrosis or lung cancer), and on the development of devices that improve aerosol delivery to infants, so that early intervention in disease processes with aerosol therapy has a high probability of success. (The Expanding Role of Aerosols in Systemic Drug Delivery, Gene Therapy, and Vaccination Beth L Laube PhD)

Nebulizer Designs

Design differences among pneumatically powered, small-volume nebulizers affect drug disposition (percentage of the dose delivered to the patient, lost to deposition in the equipment, and lost via
exhalation to ambient air) and thus affect drug availability and efficacy. (Performance Comparison of Nebulizer Designs: Constant-Output, Breath-Enhanced, and Dosimetric Joseph L Rau PhD RRT FAARC, Arzu Ari MSc CRT CPFT, and Ruben D Restrepo MD RRT)

Constant-Output Nebulizers

Constant output designs are the most commonly used nebulizers, however they have been criticized as unreliable and inefficient, because a low percentage of the dose reaches the patient. The nebulizer provides aerosol at a fairly constant rate during both inspiration and expiration.

B reath-Enhanced Nebulizers

Breath-enhanced nebulizers work by allowing air inhaled by the patient to be drawn through the nebulizer which enhances the rate of air and aerosol output from the nebulizer during inspiration. During expiration the nebulizer falls back to a lower rate of aerosol delivery. Droplet size is claimed to be more "stable" or constant as compared to constant-ourput nebulizers.

Dosimetric Nebulizers

Dosimetric or "breath actuated" release aerosol during inspiration only. During exhalation or when the patient holds their breath the dosimetric does not release aerosol.

Studies Comparing Breath Enhanced vs Breath Actuated Nebulizers:
CHEST: Comparison of Breath-Enhanced to Breath-Actuated Nebulizers for Rate, Consistency, and Efficiency*

Practical Handbook of Nebulizer Therapy: By Jacob Boe, B. Ronan O'Driscoll, John Hugh Dennis

MDI Drug Administration

Inhaled medications are the main therapy for bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The major advantage of inhaled therapy is that medications are delivered directly into the airways, which
produces a high local concentration with significantly less risk of systemic adverse effects. Poor handling and inhalation technique are associated with decreased medication delivery and poor disease control. Different types of inhalers are available. Pressurized metered-dose inhaler (MDI) was the earliest device and is the most commonly used one. MDIs are difficult to use, have a high rate of incorrect handling (7–71%), and require patient-device coordination. (Handling of Inhaler Devices in Actual Pulmonary Practice: Metered-Dose Inhaler Versus Dry Powder Inhalers)

The use MDI's by patients incorrectly has led to a number of studies and reccomendations to improve use and drug delivery. Respiratory Therapists play a vital role in assuring that patients are prorperly instucted in the use and function of MDI delivery devises. (Instruction of Hospitalized Patients by Respiratory Therapists on Metered-Dose Inhaler Use Leads to Decrease in Patient Errors) ttp://

Many inhaled medications currently used for asthma are available in MDIs. Historically, MDI technology has utilized chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) as propellants. CFCs usually constitute 95 percent or more of the formulation emitted from an MDI. CFCs are metabolically stable, and even the portion of an actuation that is systemically absorbed is quickly excreted unchanged via exhalation. CFCs have been found to deplete stratospheric ozone, however, and have been banned internationally. Although a temporary medical exemption has been granted, it is expected that MDIs with CFC propellant will be phased out completely. For example, albuterol CFC will be phased out by the end of 2008. Alternatives include MDIs with other propellants (nonchlorinated propellants such as HFA 134a do not have ozone-depleting properties); multidose, breath-activated DPIs; and other handheld devices with convenience and delivery characteristics similar to current MDIs. MDIs with HFA 134a have been approved for use with albuterol, levalbuterol, beclomethasone dipropionate, and fluticasone propionate. Additional
non-CFC products and delivery systems are expected in the future.

Albuterol MDIs with HFA propellant deliver comparable doses to the lung and produce comparable efficacy and safety as albuterol CFC-MDIs. Beclomethasone dipropionate with HFA propellant delivers a significantly greater dose to the lungs than its respective CFC-MDIs, however, resulting in lower recommended doses, whereas fluticasone propionate with HFA propellant delivers slightly less drug to the lungs than the CFC-MDI but dosage recommendations are unchanged. During the phaseout of CFC products, clinicians will need to be informed of the alternatives and assist their patients in the transition to non-CFC products.

I t is widely recognized that patients frequently make mistakes when using their MDIs. In one large study, 78% of the patients made an error during MDI use.7 The 2 most common errors were failure to exhale appropriately before actuation, and uncoordinated actuation and inhalation. MDI errors are made by males and females, older and younger adults, and patients with asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).8 Similar errors are seen with children. During asthma exacerbations, 75% of children made at least one MDI error, and 45% made multiple errors. (Getting Back to the Basics: Administering Inhaled Bronchodilators)

Additional MDI/DPI Patient Instructional Resources Provided by CHEST

DPI Drug Administration

Inhaled aerosol drugs commonly used by patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease include short-acting and long-acting bronchodilators, as well as corticosteroids. These agents are available in a variety of inhaler devices, which include metered-dose inhalers (MDI), breathactuated MDIs, nebulizers, and, currently, 5 different models of dry powder inhaler (DPI). There is evidence to suggest that multiple inhaler types cause confusion among patients and increase errors in patient use. Problems with MDIs include failure to coordinate inhalation with actuation of the MDI, inadequate breath-hold, and inappropriately fast inspiratory flow. Lack of a dose
counter makes determining the number of remaining doses in an MDI problematic. Patient misuse of MDIs is compounded by lack of knowledge of correct use among health-care professionals. Several factors often seen with elderly patients have been identified as predictive of incorrect use of MDIs. These include mental-state scores, hand strength, and ideomotor dyspraxia.

Holding chambers and spacers are partially intended to reduce the need for inhalation-actuation coordination with MDI use. However, such add-on devices can be subject to incorrect assembly. Possible delays between MDI actuation and inhalation, rapid inspiration, chamber electrostatic charge, and firing multiple puffs into the chamber can all reduce the availability of inhaled drug. Because they are breath-actuated, DPIs remove the need for inhalation-actuation synchrony, but there is evidence that patient errors in use of DPIs may be similar to those with MDIs. One of the biggest problems is loading and priming the DPI for use, and this may be due to the fact that every DPI model in current use is different. Medical personnel’s knowledge of correct DPI use has also been shown to be lacking. The optimum inhalation profiles are different for the various DPIs, but, generally, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients have been shown to achieve a minimum
(Practical Problems With Aerosol Therapy in COPD Joseph L Rau PhD RRT FAARC)

Chest Physiotherapy

The conventional method of CPT is chest percussion, which is often accompanied by postural drainage. Chest percussion is the manual pounding or clapping to loosen secretions. Postural drainage relates to the positioning of a person to drain and remove secretions from particular areas of the lungs. The specific positions involved in postural drainage allow different

Chest physical therapy (CPT) is a widely used intervention for patients with airway diseases. The main goal is to facilitate secretion transport and thereby decrease secretion retention in the airways. Historically, conventional CPT has consisted of a combination of forced expirations (directed cough or huff), postural drainage, percussion, and/or shaking. CPT improves mucus transport, but it is not entirely clear which groups of patients benefit from which CPT modalities. In general, the patients who benefit most from CPT are those with airways disease and objective signs of secretion retention (eg, persistent rhonchi or decreased breath sounds) or subjective signs of difficulty expectorating sputum, and with progression of disease that might be due to secretion retention (eg, recurrent exacerbations, infections, or a fast decline in pulmonary function).

The most effective and important part of conventional CPT is directed cough. The other components of conventional CPT add little if any benefit and should not be used routinely. Alternative airway clearance modalities (eg, high-frequency chest wall compression, vibratory positive expiratory pressure, and exercise) are not proven to be more effective than conventional CPT and usually add little benefit to conventional CPT. Only if cough and huff are insufficiently effective should other CPT modalities be considered. The choice between the CPT alternatives mainly depends on patient preference and the individual patient’s response to treatment.
(Conventional Chest Physical Therapy for Obstructive Lung Disease: Cees P van der Schans PT PhD)

Postural Drainage

Postural Drainage involves a patient assuming various positions to facilitate the flow of secretions from various parts of the lung into the bronchi, trachea and throat so that they can be cleared and expelled from the lungs more easily. The diagram below shows the correct positions to assume for draining different parts of the lung.

Incentive Spirometry

AARC Clinical Practice Guideline for SMI
Incentive spirometry is designed to mimic natural sighing or yawning by encouraging the patient to take long, slow, deep breaths. This is accomplished by using a device that provides patients with visual or other positive feedback when they inhale at a predetermined flowrate or volume and sustain the inflation for a minimum of 3 seconds.The objectives of this procedure are to increase transpulmonary pressure and inspiratory volumes, improve inspiratory muscle performance, and re-establish or simulate the normal pattern of pulmonary hyperinflation. When the procedure is repeated on a regular basis, airway patency may be maintained and lung atelectasis prevented and reversed.

Positive Expiratory Pressure (PEP Therapy)

Positive expiratory pressure (PEP) breathing is a form of chest physiotherapy in which the patient expires against a resistance. There are 2 conceptually different methods to apply PEP: threshold resistor devices, and flow resistor devices. The PEP mask (a flow resistor device) was developed in Denmark in the late 1970s, and it soon became a popular treatment in Scandinavia, Europe, and Canada. With the PEP mask, the magnitude of the expiratory pressure is determined by airflow and by the applied outflow resistor. The PEP mask is thus a flow resistor device. At a constant expiratory flow, the outflow resistance is inversely correlated to the diameter of the outflow resistor. PEP is also related to airflow. With a given outflow resistor, an increase in flow increases PEP, and a decrease in flow decreases PEP. (Physiological Responses to Positive Expiratory Pressure Breathing: A Comparison of the PEP Bottle and the PEP Mask)

Positive-expiratorypressure mask physiotherapy (mask PEP) consists of cycles of active breathing through a face mask against an expiratory resister. Mask PEP, as with any airway-clearance technique, might ideally suit the needs of patients with mild-to-moderate airway obstruction, but it might not be equally suitable and effective for patients with CF and severe airway obstruction. (Chest Physiotherapy With Positive Airway Pressure: A Pilot Study of Short-Term Effects on Sputum Clearance in Patients With Cystic Fibrosis and Severe Airway Obstruction)

Intermitten Positive Pressure Breathing (IPPB)

AARC Clinical Practice Guideline: IPPB

IPPB involves applying the application of inspiratory positive pressues to the airways. It typically is accompanied by the administration of an aerosol with a bronchodialator. IPPB has a past history of over-utilization coupled with a lack of scientific evidence to support its use. However, IPPB can be helpful if targeted towards specific conditions that require airwary recuritment in individuals who lack the ability to increase their resting volumes on their own. Patient's with atlectasis with reduce vital capacites in the post-operative stage may benefit from the positive pressure and airway recruitment of IPPB. Proper application of the procedure is critical to improve patient outcomes. Mis-application of IPPB can result in poor outcomes and failure ot achieve patient goals. As with the applicaiton of any presure applied to patient airways, proper monitoring of delivered tidal volumes and pressures are imprtant to limit any complications associated with baratrauma or volutrauma.

Trouble-Shooting: Common IPPB Problems
1. Will not cycle from inspiration to expiration:
-(LEAK) in the circuit or at patient (mouth seal).
2. Will not cycle on to inspiration:
-Sensitvity not set correctly
-Flow not turned on
3. Machine Auto-Cycles
- Sensitivity set to "sensitive
- Expiratory timer turned on

Partial List of Indications/Contraindications & Complications: Refer to the AARC CPG: IPPB for Complete Listings

Hypoventilation Atelectasis
Untreated Pneumothorax
Hemodynamic instability
Active TB
Hyperventilation (common)
Decreased Cardiac Output (Venous Return)
Gastric Insufflation

High-Frequency Chest Compression

"High-frequency chest-wall compression (HFCWC) is an established therapeutic adjunct for patients with chronic pulmonary disorders that impair bronchopulmonary secretion clearance. High-frequency chest-wall compression (HFCWC) applies rapid but gentle external compressions to the thorax to generate air flow velocities that facilitate bronchopulmonary secretion clearance. HFCWC is typically delivered in a timed, standardized fashion, with a vest attached to an air-pulse generator." (High-Frequency Chest-Wall Compression During the 48 Hours Following Thoracic Surgery) James S Allan MD FAARC, Julie M Garrity BSN, and Dean M Donahue MD

Deep Breathing & Clearence Techniques
"The normal mechanism for lung expansion and bronchial hygiene is spontaneous deep breathing (including yawn and sigh maneuvers) and an effective cough. Instructing and encouraging the patient to take sustained deep breaths is among the safest, most effective, and least expensive strategies for keeping the lungs expanded and secretions moving.9 A deep breath is a key component of a normal effective cough. The negative intrathoracic pressure enerated during spontaneous deep breathing tends to better inflate the less compliant, gravity-dependent areas of the lung than do methods that rely on lung inflation by application of positive airway pressure. An effective cough is a vital component of bronchial hygiene therapy." (Forced Expiratory Technique, Directed Cough, and Autogenic Drainage) James B Fink MSc RRT FAARC.
-Forced Expiratory Technique
-Active Cycle of Breathing Technique
-Autogenic Drainage


Pulse Oximetry

AARC Clinical Practice Guideline for Pulse Oximetry

The principle of pulse oximetry is based on the red and infrared light absorption characteristics of oxygenated and deoxygenated hemoglobin. Oxygenated hemoglobin absorbs more infrared light and allows more red light to pass through. Deoxygenated (or reduced) hemoglobin absorbs more red light and allows more infrared light to pass through. Red light is in the 600-750 nm wavelength light band. Infrared light is in the 850-1000 nm wavelength light band.

Pulse oximetry uses a light emitter with red and infrared LEDs that shines through a reasonably translucent site with good blood flow. Typical adult/pediatric sites are the finger, toe, pinna (top) or lobe of the ear. Infant sites are the foot or palm of the hand and the big toe or thumb. Opposite the emitter is a photodetector that receives the light that passes through the measuring site.

There are two methods of sending light through the measuring site: transmission and reflectance. In the transmission method, as shown in the figure on the previous page, the emitter and photodetector are opposite of each other with the measuring site in-between. The light can then pass through the site. In the reflectance method, the emitter and photodetector are next to each other on top the measuring site. The light bounces from the emitter to the detector across the site. The transmission method is the most common type used and for this discussion the transmission method will be implied. After the transmitted red (R) and infrared (IR) signals pass through the measuring site and are received at the photodetector, the R/IR ratio is calculated. The R/IR is compared to a "look-up" table (made up of empirical formulas) that convert the ratio to an SpO2 value. Most manufacturers have their own look-up tables based on calibration curves derived from healthy subjects at various SpO2 levels. Typically a R/IR ratio of 0.5 equates to approximately 100% SpO2, a ratio of 1.0 to approximately 82% SpO2, while a ratio of 2.0 equates to 0% SpO2.

The major change that occurred from the 8-wavelength Hewlett Packard oximeters of the '70s to the oximeters of today was the inclusion of arterial pulsation to differentiate the light absorption in the measuring site due to skin, tissue and venous blood from that of arterial blood. At the measuring site there are constant light absorbers that are always present. They are skin, tissue, venous blood, and the arterial blood. However, with each heart beat the heart contracts and there is a surge of arterial blood, which momentarily increases arterial blood volume across the measuring site. This results in more light absorption during the surge. If light signals received at the photodetector are looked at 'as a waveform', there should be peaks with each heartbeat and troughs between heartbeats. If the light absorption at the trough (which should include all the constant absorbers) is subtracted from the light absorption at the peak then, in theory, the resultants are the absorption characteristics due to added volume of blood only; which is arterial. Since peaks occur with each heartbeat or pulse, the term "pulse oximetry" was coined. This solved many problems inherent to oximetry measurements in the past and is the method used today in conventional pulse oximetry.

Still, conventional pulse oximetry accuracy suffered greatly during motion and low perfusion and made it difficult to depend on when making medical decisions. Arterial blood gas tests have been and continue to be commonly used to supplement or validate pulse oximeter readings. The advent of "Next Generation" pulse oximetry technology has demonstrated significant improvement in the ability to read through motion and low perfusion; thus making pulse oximetry more dependable to base medical decisions on.

Arterial Blood Gas Technique

AARC Clinical Practice Guideline for ABG Sampling

Arterial blood gases are drawn to help assess acid/base balance and as a tool for oygenation assessment. Typical sites for access are the radial, brachial and femoral arteries. The radial is the preferable site due to its ease of access. Universal precautions should be used when drawing blood products and aseptic technique is important in preventing contamination to the patient. Gloves serve as an important barrier to blood contamination and eye protection is also important when working with blood products. Proper technique is important in both obtaining the sample and preventing any complications from the procedure.

The use of the Modified Allen's Test helps assure adequate collateral circulation is present prior to the radial arterial stick. To perform the test occlude both the radial and ulner arteries using your index fingers. Make sure you hold the patient's arm higher then the levle of their heart and have open and close their hands several times. Release the pressure on the ulnar artery. The hand should flush with blood indicating adequate collateral circulation is present.

Arterial Blood Gas Analysis

Arterial blood is drawn and then analyzed to measure common values such as : PH, PaCO2, PaO2, O2Sat. In addition ABG machines are able to measure hemogloin vaiants (HBCO MetHB) and certain electrolyte levels. The newer generation machines have the capability to measure other values such as blood glucose and other metabolites. Blood gas machines must maintain quality control standards to assure accuray. Machine have built in quality control routines suc as a“one-point calibration” is an adjustment of the electronic response of an electrode to a single standard. External controls are also run to assure accuracy and to maintain lab certification requirements and standards.

At one time, it is was reccomend standard that all arterial blood gas samples be placed on ice prior to measurment and immediatley after collection. The theory was that any delay in measurement could alter the accuracy of the results since oxygen would be continued to be consumed under normal metabolic conditions. Subsequently, placing the sample on ice was believed to slow down the oxygen consumption and maintain sample accuracy. Reccent guidelines contradict this previous practice and reccomend that samples not be placed on ice unless certain conditions exist. According to the AARC CPG for ABG Sampling: Specimens held at room temperature must be analyzed within 10-15 minutes of drawing; iced samples should be analyzed within 1 hour.' The PaO2 of samples drawn from subjects with elevated white cell counts may decrease very rapidly. Immediate chilling is necessary. Some dual-purpose electrolyte/blood gas analyzers stipulate immediate analysis without chilling because of possible elevations in potassium from chilling; however, the accuracy of the blood gas results should not be affected by the chilling.

A recent article published in RC Journal raises morequestions about what factors impact sample levels and what conditions/vairables should be taken into consideration in the measurement process. (Of Time and Temperature, Plastic and Glass: Specimen Handling in the Blood-Gas Laboratory: )Gregg L Ruppel MEd RRT RPFT FAARC

Arterial Line Insertion

Arterial Line Placement Method:
Usually placed on the inner side of the wrist. It could also be placed in the artery on the inner side of the elbow, the groin or the foot. The area is decided mainly upon how well your pulse is felt. That area of the skin cleaned well with a disinfecting solution and alcohol. Then, the pulse is felt. With a small needle the skin is numbed with local anesthesia. Then, using a needle with a plastic catheter the skin is entered. Once inside the artery, the plastic catheter is advanced further in and the needle is removed. The catheter is then connected to some tubing. The are is then covered with a bandage.

Arterial Line Blood Withdrawal

Drawing blood from an arterial line typically involves the discarding of a small porion of blood that would otherwise have saline flush in the sample. Clinical concerns about the quantity of blood that is discarded has led to imrpovement in devices that facilitate blood withdrawal from an arterial line without the need to discard blood. Furthernmore, needless systems that incorporate rubber hubs allow for more safe collection practices and less chances of contamination of the line.
Reduction of blood loss from diagnostic sampling in critically ill patients using a blood-conserving arterial line system.Reduction of blood loss from diagnostic sampling in critically ill patients using a blood-conserving arterial line system.. CHEST:M J Silver, Y H Li, L A Gragg,. F Jubran, and . J K Stoller (Abstract)
Full Text PDF Link

Capillary Blood Withdrawal

A blood sample obtained from a heel puncture and finger prick is a useful and simple way of collecting blood samples.
It can be used to monitor:
-Blood glucose levels
-Drug levels
-Blood gases
-Full blood counts
-Urea and electrolytes
-Newborn Bloodspot Screening Tests
The procedure is not without risk. The main problems are:
-Increased pain
-Local trauma
-Damage to nerves, blood vessels and bones
-Excessive blood loss
Heel & Finger Puncture Techniques

Transcutaneous Monitoring

AARC Clinical Practice Guideline for Transcutaneous Blood Gas Monitoring for Neonatal & Pediatric

"Transcutaneous monitoring measures skin-surface PO2 and PCO2 to provide estimates of arterial partial pressure of oxygen and carbon dioxide (PaO2 and PaCO2). The devices induce hyperperfusion by local heating of the skin and measure the partial pressure of oxygen and carbon dioxide electrochemically. PtcO2 is an indirect measurement of PaO2 and, like PaO2, does not reflect oxygen delivery or oxygen content. Complete assessment of oxygen delivery requires knowledge of hemoglobin, saturation, and cardiac output. In a similar way, PtcCO2 is an indirect measurement of PaCO2 but knowledge of delivery and content is not necessary to use PtcCO2 as an indicator of adequacy of ventilation." National Guideline Clearinghouse


Capnography Learning Website

"Capnography is a simple method of monitoring the concentration or partial pressure of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the respiratory gases. The fundamentals of capnography use were established in 1943 by Luft who discovered that CO2 could absorb infrared (IR) radiation. Capnography was first used in Holland in 1978, and subsequently its usefulness was approved for monitoring during anesthesia. Nowadays, capnography is a standard of care for monitoring patient safety in anesthesia, but it has not yet been accepted for routine use in emergency department procedural sedation and analgesia. Several procedures are available for monitoring airway CO2. The first procedure is by using a side stream sample measured through a rapidly responding infrared CO2 analyzer or measured through a mass spectrometer. The second procedure is direct measurement of CO2 values through an infrared analyzer at the end of the endotracheal tube. These procedures correspond to the term capnography or airway CO2 monitoring.

Capnography is a graphic display of CO2 concentration during the respiratory cycle, while capnometry is a numerical display of CO2 concentration during the respiratory cycle. This method of monitoring directly shows the elimination of CO2 by the lungs and indirectly reflects the production of CO2 by tissues and CO2 circulatory transport to the lungs. Capnography is a non-invasive and accurate method. The need for arterial blood sampling can be significantly reduced. Capnography directly measures the ventilatory performance of the lungs and indirectly presents measurements on the performance of metabolism and circulation. An important use of capnography is as a non-invasive assessor of proper endotracheal tube placement. An advantage of capnography is that it provides an immediate picture of patient apnea, while pulse oximetry is delayed for several minutes." Clinical Applications of Capnography

Should Every Mechanically Ventilated Patient Be Monitored With Capnography From Intubation to Extubation? Ira M Cheifetz MD FAARC and Timothy R Myers RRT-NPS
Capnographic Waveforms in the Mechanically Ventilated Patient: John E Thompson RRT FAARC and Michael B Jaffe PhD
An Evaluation of a Transcutaneous and an End-Tidal Capnometer for Noninvasive Monitoring of Spontaneously Breathing Patients: Norman Stein MD, Holger Matz PhD, Andreas Schneeweiß MD,

Indirect Calorimetry (Metabolic Cart)

AARC Clinical Practice Guuideline for Metabolic Measurement Using Indirect Calorimetry During Mechanical Ventilation

Indirect calorimetry measures resting metabolic rate, or the number of calories your body burns at rest. It can also measure how many calories your body burns after eating.
The test involves measuring the amount of oxygen a subject breathes in, and the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) breathed out. From these gas exchange data, the number of calories burned per minute is determined. Metabolic measurements using indirect calorimetry for determination of oxygen consumption (VO2), carbon dioxide production (VCO2), respiratory quotient (RQ), and resting energy expenditure (REE) as an aid to patient nutritional assessment and management; assessment of weaning success and outcome; assessment of the relationship between O2 delivery (DO2) and VO2; and assessment of the contribution of metabolism to ventilation. The guideline addresses metabolic measurement during mechanical ventilation. Metabolic measurements use an indirect calorimeter to measure VO2 and VCO2 via expired gas analysis. The measurements of VO2 and VCO2 are used to calculate RQ (VCO2/VO2) and REE using the Weir equation: REE = [VO2 (3.941) + VCO2 (1.11)] 1440 min/day. National Guideline Clearinghouse

Cardiac Strees Testing & Analysis

"Cardiovascular (heart and blood vessel) disease is the leading cause of death in developed nations. Assessing the heart's function and examining the seriousness of coronary artery (the blood vessels of the heart) disease are the goals of cardiac stress testing. Putting stress on the heart, such as with exercise or certain medications, makes the heart work harder. Under these conditions, myocardial ischemia (diminished blood flow to the heart muscle) may occur. As part of an evaluation for cardiovascular disease in someone with chest pain (in addition to an electrocardiogram [ECG]), cardiac stress testing may be helpful in determining the need for invasive tests such as coronary angiography—visualizing coronary arteries after injecting dye through a cardiac catheter (tube inserted into the heart). The October 15, 2008, issue of JAMA includes an article about cardiac stress testing.

Exercise stress tests use cardiac monitoring while an individual walks on a treadmill with an increasingly steep incline. Technicians measure the heart rate, time walked on the treadmill, and the effort during the test, and the doctor looks for ECG changes. Nuclear stress tests use an injection of a radionuclide (a compound with a slight amount of radioactivity) to track blood flow and the pattern of ischemia when the heart is stressed (either with exercise or with medication). Pharmacologic stress tests, often used for persons who cannot walk for more than a short distance, use drugs that put stress on the heart muscle. ECG and other cardiac monitors record data, including heart rate and rhythm. Changes in the ECG and/or cardiac imaging may indicate ischemia. Echocardiography (using sound waves to look at heart structures and at blood flow in the heart's chambers) can be combined with stress testing to examine the function of the heart at rest and under stress conditions. " JAMA Reference Site JAMA - Cardiac Strees Testing Overview

ECG Monitoring & Interpretation

The ECG is a recording of the electrical activity of the heart. It does not provide information about the mechanical function of the heart and cannot be used to assess cardiac output or blood pressure. A good electrical connection between the patient and the electrodes is required to minimise the resistance of the skin. For this reason gel pads or suction caps with electrode jelly are used to connect the electrodes to the patients skin. However when the skin is sweaty the electrodes may not stick well, resulting in an unstable trace. An electrical recording made from one myocardial muscle cell will record an action potential (the electrical activity which occurs when the cell is stimulated). The ECG records the vector sum (the combination of all electrical signals) of all the action potentials of the myocardium and produces a combined trace.

The Sinoatrial (SA) node, internodal pathways, Atrioventricular (AV) node, bundle of HIS with right and left bundle branches and the Purkinje system. The left bundle branch also divides into anterior and posterior fascicles. Conducting tissue is made up of modified cardiac muscle cells which have the property of automaticity, that is they can generate their own intrinsic action potentials as well as responding to stimulation from adjacent cells. The conducting pathways within the heart are responsible for the organised spread of action potentials within the heart and the resulting co-ordinated contraction of both atria and ventricles.

* The P - R Interval is taken from the start af the P wave to the start of the QRS complex. It is the time taken for depolarisation to pass from the SA node via the atria, AV node and His-Purkinje system to the ventricles.
* The QRS represents the time taken for depolarisationto pass through the His-Purkinje system and the ventricular muscles. It is prolonged with disease of the His-Purkinje system.
* The Q - T interval is taken from the start of the QRS complex to the end of the T wave. This represents the time taken to depolarise and repolarise the ventricles.
* The S - T segment is the period between the end of the QRS complex and the start of the T wave. All cells are normally depolarised during this phase. The ST segment is changed by pathology such as myocardial ischaemia or pericarditis.

The ECG may be used in two ways. A 12 lead ECG may be performed which analyses the cardiac electrical activity from a number of electrodes positioned on the limbs and across the chest. A wide range of abnormalities may be detected including arrhythmias, myocardial ischaemia, left ventricular hypertrophy and pericarditis. The ECG may be used in two ways. A 12 lead ECG may be performed which analyses the cardiac electrical activity from a number of electrodes positioned on the limbs and across the chest. A wide range of abnormalities may be detected including arrhythmias, myocardial ischaemia, left ventricular hypertrophy and pericarditis.

* Lead I - measures the potential difference between the right arm electrode and the left arm electrode. The third electrode (left leg) acts as neutral.
* Lead II - measures the potential difference between the right arm and left leg electrode.
* Lead III - measures the potential difference between the left arm and left leg electrode.

ECG Interpretation 1

ECG Interpretation 2

ECG Interpretation 3

Polysomnography (Sleep Studies)

AARC Clinical Practice Guideline for Polysomnography

"Polysomnography is a multi-parametric test that is used to study/record in detail all the biophysiological changes that occur in the human body when the person is asleep. The PSG or polysomnogram, as the test is referred to, measures or monitors many body functions including the eye movements (EOG), brain (EEG), heart rhythm (ECG), skeletal muscle activation (EMG), and breathing or respiratory effort during sleep, and based on the observations, the doctor will decide whether the person who had undergone PSG suffers from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) or any of its namesakes or not. Even though PSG can be done at any time, usually it is performed at night when everybody usually sleeps except in certain special cases when the tests are done over two days time.

Of the eleven channels, two are for EEG - to determine if the person is indeed sleeping and in what stage of sleep he/she is at a given time - one channel to measure air flow, one channel each to sense chin and leg movements, two channels to measure REM, one channel each for EKG and oxygen saturation, and one for recording the chest and abdominal wall movements. All these channels are then wired to a computer where it is deciphered into readable attributes and stored for future reference or record. A live video of the sleeping patient is also recorded so that the supervising technician could observe the patient from an adjacent room. The same clips may also be used by the doctor for further diagnosis of the patient. Despite all the wires attached to the patient, interestingly, it has been found that few patients ever have any problems sleeping whilst under observation. Most of them stated they even slept better in the lab than at home."
Polysomnography Reference Site

Inspiratory Flow-Volume Curve Evaluation for Detecting Upper Airway Disease : James B Sterner MD CPT MC USA, Michael J Morris MD COL MC USA,

Sleep Lab 1

Sleep Lab 2

Basic Laboratory Values
HEMATOLOGY - Red Blood Cells
RBC (Male) 4.2 - 5.6   10^6 / µL [Scientific Notation: 10^6 = 1,000,000]
RBC (Female) 3.8 - 5.1   10^6 / µL
RBC (Child) 3.5 - 5.0   10^6 / µL
HEMATOLOGY - White Blood Cells
WBC (Male) 3.8 - 11.0   10^3 / mm3 [Scientific Notation: 10^3 = 1,000]
WBC (Female) 3.8 - 11.0   10^3 / mm3
WBC (Child) 5.0 - 10.0   10^3 / mm3
Hgb (Male) 14 - 18 g/dL
Hgb (Female) 11 - 16 g/dL
Hgb (Child) 10 - 14 g/dL
Hgb (Newborn) 15 - 25 g/dL
Hct (Male) 39 - 54%
Hct (Female) 34 - 47%
Hct (Child) 30 - 42%
MCV 78 - 98 fL
MCH 27 - 35 pg
MCHC 31 - 37%
neutrophils 50 - 81%
bands 1 - 5%
lymphocytes 14 - 44%
monocytes 2 - 6%
eosinophils 1 - 5%
basophils 0 - 1%
troponin I 0 - 0.1 ng/ml (onset: 4-6 hrs, peak:
12-24 hrs, return to normal: 4-7 days)
troponin T 0 - 0.2 ng/ml (onset: 3-4 hrs, peak:
10-24 hrs, return to normal: 10-14 days)
myoglobin (Male) 10 - 95 ng/ml (onset: 1-3 hrs, peak:
6-10 hrs, return to normal: 12-24 hrs)
myoglobin (Female) 10 - 65 ng/ml (onset: 1-3 hrs, peak:
6-10 hrs, return to normal: 12-24 hrs)
acetone 0.3 - 2.0 mg%
albumin 3.5 - 5.0 gm/dL
alkaline phosphatase 32 - 110 U/L
anion gap 5 - 16 mEq/L
ammonia 11 - 35 µmol/L
amylase 50 - 150 U/dL
AST,SGOT (Male) 7 - 21 U/L
AST,SGOT (Female) 6 - 18 U/L
bilirubin, direct 0.0 - 0.4 mg/dL
bilirubin, indirect total minus direct
bilirubin, total 0.2 - 1.4 mg/dL
BUN 6 - 23 mg/dL
calcium (total) 8 - 11 mg/dL
carbon dioxide 21 - 34 mEq/L
carbon monoxide symptoms at greater than or equal to 10% saturation
chloride 96 - 112 mEq/L
creatine (Male) 0.2 - 0.6 mg/dL
creatine (Female) 0.6 - 1.0 mg/dL
creatinine 0.6 - 1.5 mg/dL
ethanol 0 mg%; Coma:
greater than or equal to 400 - 500 mg%
folic acid 2.0 - 21 ng/mL
glucose 65 - 99 mg/dL
(diuresis greater than or equal to 180 mg/dL)
HDL (Male) 25 - 65 mg/dL
HDL (Female) 38 - 94 mg/dL
iron 52 - 169 µg/dL
iron binding capacity 246 - 455 µg/dL
lactic acid 0.4 - 2.3 mEq/L
lactate 0.3 - 2.3 mEq/L
lipase 10 - 140 U/L
magnesium 1.5 - 2.5 mg/dL
osmolarity 276 - 295 mOsm/kg
parathyroid hormone 12 - 68 pg/mL
phosphorus 2.2 - 4.8 mg/dL
potassium 3.5 - 5.5 mEq/L
SGPT 8 - 32 U/L
sodium 135 - 148 mEq/L
T3 0.8 - 1.1 µg/dL
thyroglobulin less than 55 ng/mL
thyroxine (T4) (total) 5 - 13 µg/dL
total protein 5 - 9 gm/dL
TSH Less than 9 µU/mL
urea nitrogen 8 - 25 mg/dL
uric acid (Male) 3.5 - 7.7 mg/dL
uric acid (Female) 2.5 - 6.6 mg/dL
cholesterol (total) Less than 200 mg/dL desirable
cholesterol (HDL) 30 - 75 mg/dL
cholesterol (LDL) Less than 130 mg/dL desirable
triglycerides (Male) Greater than 40 - 170 mg/dL
triglycerides (Female) Greater than 35 - 135 mg/dL
color Straw
specific gravity 1.003 - 1.040
pH 4.6 - 8.0
Na 10 - 40 mEq/L
K Less than 8 mEq/L
C1 Less than 8 mEq/L
protein 1 - 15 mg/dL
osmolality 80 - 1300 mOsm/L
amylase 250 - 1100 IU / 24 hr
calcium 100 - 250 mg / 24 hr
chloride 110 - 250 mEq / 24 hr
creatinine 1 - 2 g / 24 hr
creatine clearance (Male) 100 - 140 mL / min
creatine clearance (Male) 16 - 26 mg / kg / 24 hr
creatine clearance (Female) 80 - 130 mL / min
creatine clearance (Female) 10 - 20 mg / kg / 24 hr
magnesium 6 - 9 mEq / 24 hr
osmolality 450 - 900 mOsm / kg
phosphorus 0.9 - 1.3 g / 24 hr
potassium 35 - 85 mEq / 24 hr
protein 0 - 150 mg / 24 hr
sodium 30 - 280 mEq / 24 hr
urea nitrogen 10 - 22 gm / 24 hr
uric acid 240 - 755 mg / 24 hr
ACT 90 - 130 seconds
APTT 21 - 35 seconds
platelets 140,000 - 450,000 /ml
plasminogen 62 - 130%
PT 10 - 14 seconds
PTT 32 - 45 seconds
FSP Less than 10 µg/dL
fibrinogen 160 - 450 mg/dL
bleeding time 3 - 7 minutes
thrombin time 11 - 15 seconds
appearance clear
glucose 40 - 85 mg/dL
osmolality 290 - 298 mOsm/L
pressure 70 - 180 mm/H2O
protein 15 - 45 mg/dL
total cell count 0 - 5 cells
WBCs 0 - 6 / µL
cardiac index 2.5 - 4.2 L / min / m2
cardiac output 4 - 8 LPM
left ventricular stroke work index 40 - 70 g / m2 / beat
right ventricular stroke work index 7 - 12 g / m2 / beat
mean arterial pressure 70 - 105 mm Hg
pulmonary vascular resistance 155 - 255 dynes / sec / cm to the negative 5
pulmonary vascular resistance index 255 - 285 dynes / sec / cm to the negative 5
stroke volume 60 - 100 mL / beat
stroke volume index 40 - 85 mL / m2 / beat
systemic vascular resistance 900 - 1600 dynes / sec / cm to the negative 5
systemic vascular resistance index 1970 - 2390 dynes / sec / cm to the negative 5
systolic arterial pressure 90 - 140 mm Hg
diastolic arterial pressure 60 - 90 mm Hg
central venous pressure 2 - 6 mm Hg; 2.5 - 12 cm H2O
ejection fraction 60 - 75%
left arterial pressure 4 - 12 mm Hg
right atrial pressure 4 - 6 mm Hg
pulmonary artery systolic 15 - 30 mm Hg
pulmonary artery diastolic 5 - 15 mm Hg
pulmonary artery pressure 10 - 20 mm Hg
pulmonary artery wedge pressure 4 - 12 mm Hg
pulmonary artery end diastolic pressure 8 - 10 mm Hg
right ventricular end diastolic pressure 0 - 8 mm Hg
cerebral perfusion pressure 70 - 90 mm Hg
intracranial pressure 5 - 15 mm Hg or 5 - 10 cm H2O
pH 7.35 - 7.45
PaCO2 35 - 45 mm Hg
HCO3 22 - 26 mEq/L
O2 saturation 96 - 100%
PaO2 85 - 100 mm Hg
BE -2 to +2 mmol/L
pH 7.31 - 7.41
PaCO2 41 - 51 mm Hg
HCO3 22 - 29 mEq/L
O2 saturation 60 - 85%
PaO2 30 - 40 mm Hg
BE 0 to +4 mmol/L

Bedside Spirometry

AARC Clinical Practice Guideline for Spirometry

"The objective of spirometry is to assess ventilatory function. Spirometry includes but is not limited to the measurement of forced vital capacity (FVC), the forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV1), and other forced expiratory flow measurements such as the FEF25-75%. In addition, it sometimes includes the measurement of maximum voluntary ventilation (MVV). A graphic representation (spirogram) of the maneuver should be a part of the results. Either a volume-time or flow-volume display is acceptable. Other parameters that may be obtained by spirometry include FEFmax (PEF), FEF75%, FEF50%, FEF25%, FIF50%, and FIFmax (PIF). "

"Spirometry is an effort-dependent test that requires careful instruction and the cooperation of the test subject. Inability to perform acceptable maneuvers may be due to poor subject motivation or failure to understand instructions. Physical impairment and young age (eg, children < 5 years of age) may also limit the subject's ability to perform spirometric maneuvers. These limitations do not preclude attempting spirometry but should be noted and taken into consideration when the results are interpreted."

Forced Expiratory Volume in 1 Second
The FEV1 is the most widely used parameter to measure the mechanical properties of the lungs. In normal persons, the FEV1 accounts for the greatest part of the exhaled volume from a spirometric maneuver and reflects mechanical properties of the large and the medium-sized airways. In a normal flow-volume loop, the FEV1 occurs at about 75% to 85% of the FVC. This parameter is reduced in obstructive and restrictive disorders. In obstructive diseases, FEV1 is reduced disproportionately to the FVC, reducing the FEV1/FVC ratio below the lower limit of normal and indicates airflow limitation. In restrictive disorders, the FEV1, FVC, and total lung capacity are all reduced, and the FEV1/FVC ratio is normal or even elevated.

Forced Vital Capacity
FVC is a measure of lung volume and is usually reduced in diseases that cause the lungs to be smaller. Such processes are generally termed restrictive and can include disorders of the lung parenchyma, such as pulmonary fibrosis, or of the bellows, including kyphoscoliosis, neuromuscular disease, and pleural effusion. However, a reduction in FVC is not always due to reduced total volumes and can occur in the setting of large lungs hyperinflated due to severe airflow obstruction and air trapping, as in emphysema. In this setting, the FVC is decreased due to reduced airflow, air trapping, and increased residual volume, a phenomenon referred to as pseudorestriction. Reduced FVC can occur despite a normal or increased total lung volume. Therefore, FVC is not a reliable indicator of total lung capacity or restriction, especially in the setting of airflow obstruction. The overall accuracy of the FVC for restriction is about 60%. 5

"The results of spirometry should meet the following criteria for number of trials, acceptability, and reproducibility. The acceptability criteria should be applied before reproducibility is checked. Number of trials: A minimum of 3 acceptable FVC maneuvers should be performed. If a subject is unable to perform a single acceptable maneuver after 8 attempts, testing may be discontinued. However, after additional instruction and demonstration, more maneuvers may be performed depending on the subject's clinical condition and tolerance.
Acceptability: A good 'start-of-test' includes:
A an extrapolated volume of < or = 5% of the FVC or 150 mL, whichever is greater;
No hesitation or false start;
A a rapid start to rise time.
Acceptability: no cough, especially during the first second of the maneuver.
Acceptability: no early termination of exhalation. "

"Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is easily detected in its preclinical phase, using office spirometry. Successful smoking cessation prevents further disease progression in most patients. Spirometry measures the ratio of the forced expiratory volume in the first second to the forced vital capacity (FEV1/FVC), which is the most sensitive and specific test for detecting airflow limitation. Primary care practitioners see the majority of adult smokers, but few primary care practitioners currently have spirometers or regularly order spirometry for their smoker patients. Improvements in spirometry software have made it much easier to obtain good quality spirometry test sessions, thereby reducing the misclassification rate. Respiratory therapists and pulmonary function technologists can help primary care practitioners select good office spirometers for identifying chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and teach staff how to use spirometers correctly." (Strategies for Screening for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) Paul L Enright MD and David A Kaminsky MD

Complete Pulmonary Function Testing

Many of the current chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) guidelines (eg, ATS-ERS and Global Obstructive Lung Disease consortium [GOLD]) and asthma guidelines (Global Initiative for Asthma [GINA]) recommend the FEV1/FVC ratio as the "gold standard" to diagnose airway obstruction.

1. Assess flow and volume.
2. Forced vital capacity maneuver followed by forced inspiratory vital capacity maneuver.
3. Flow rates are measured at 25%, 50% and 75% points. These are know as Vmax flows.
4. Decrease in Vmax flow rates indicate obstruction.
5 Percent Predicted: Actua/Predicted = % predicted
6. Actual is derived from actual measurement Predicted is based on a set standards derived from a person’s sex, age, height, and weight.

Volume/Time & lung Volume Graphs


Lung diffusion testing looks at how well gases are passing from the air sacs of the lungs into the blood, to determine whether the lung is sending enough oxygen into the blood. The test measures the "diffusing capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide" or DLCO. Measures limitation of gas diffusion across alveolar capillary membrane. Measured at STPD (standard temperature pressure dry). Single breath test most widely used. Pt breaths 3% CO, 10% HE, and air holds their breath for a minimum of 10 seconds. Normal value 25 ml/co/min/mmHg at STPD. DLCO values increase 2-3x with exercise. A measurement of alveolar volume (VA) is required for DLCO calculations because it represents the gas volume into which CO is distributed and then transferred across the alveolar capillary membrane. VA is measured simultaneously with CO uptake by calculating the dilution of an inert tracer gas and subtracting dead space volume. DLCO is a general measure of the complete ‘efficiency' of the lungs because it is influenced by three key components: The surface area of the lung with contact to diffusing alveoli (VA - Alveolar Volume), the thickness of the alveolar-capillary membrane (Dm - Membrane Diffusion) and the volume of blood available in the capillary bed of the lung (Vc - Capillary Blood Volume).

The CO is used to trace the diffusion in place of O2 because it is a one-way transfer across the alveolar-capillary membrane for combination with Hb. The helium in the mixture is used to obtain a measure of the alveolar volume.
The challenge of Single Breath Diffusion testing is to obtain a representative sample of gas from an area of the lungs where diffusion is taking place. The patient first breathes all the way out to residual volume and is then connected to the test gas. They breathe all the way in to TLC and are then instructed to hold their breath for approximately 10 seconds. After having held your breath for ten seconds, the first amount of gas that leaves your lips when you breathe out, has been resident in the physiological dead-space (mouth, trachea and two main bronchi) and must therefore be discarded before collecting a valid gas sample.

DLCO values decreased in conditions associated with “alveolar fibrosis”-
- asbestosis, sarcoidosis, O2 toxicity, edema etc.
DLCO is decreased in emphysema due to:
*decreased surface area for diffusion
*loss of capillary bed
*V/Q mismatch


"Understanding and identifying the lung volume components is essential in pulmonary function testing. Measurements of lung volumes are important to confirm or clarify the nature of lung disorders. The flow volume loop may indicate an obstructive or restrictive or obstructive/restrictive pattern, but a further test of lung volume is often necessary for clarification. In an obstructive lung disease, airway obstruction causes an increase in resistance. During normal breathing, the pressure volume relationship is no different from a normal lung. However, when breathing rapidly, greater pressure is needed to overcome the resistance to flow, and the volume of each breath gets smaller. The increase in the effort to breathe can cause an overdistention of the lungs.

The flow volume loop may show lower than normal FEV1 and FEF25-75, but it is not until a lung volume has been determined that an increase in TLC, FRC and RV can be confirmed. Common obstructive disease include asthma, bronchitis and emphysema. In a restrictive lung disease, the compliance of the lung is reduced which increases the stiffness of the lung and limits expansion. In these cases, a greater pressure than normal is required to give the same increase in volume. The flow volume loop may show lower than normal FVC, but the FEV1 and FEF25-75 may only be mildly effected. The lung volume measurement will clearly show a reduction in TLC, FRC and RV.

Common causes of decreased lung compliance are pulmonary fibrosis, pneumonia and pulmonary edema. Patients whose respiratory muscles are unable to perform normally because of a neuromuscular disease or paralysis can show a restrictive pattern."

Tidal Volume (TV). The amount of gas inspired or expired with each breath.
Inspiratory Reserve Volume (IRV). Maximum amount of additional air that can be inspired from the end of a normal inspiration.
Expiratory Reserve Volume (ERV). The maximum volume of additional air that can be expired from the end of a normal expiration.
Residual Volume (RV). The volume of air remaining in the lung after a maximal expiration. This is the only lung volume which cannot be measured with a spirometer.

Total Lung Capacity (TLC). The volume of air contained in the lungs at the end of a maximal inspiration. Called a capacity because it is the sum of the 4 basic lung volumes. TLC = RV+IRV+TV+ERV
Vital Capacity (VC). The maximum volume of air that can be forcefully expelled from the lungs following a maximal inspiration. Called a capacity because it is the sum of inspiratory reserve volume, tidal volume, and expiratory reserve volume. VC = IRV+TV+ERV=TLC-RV
Functional Residual Capacity (FRC). The volume of air remaining in the lung at the end of a normal expiration. Called a capacity because it equals residual volume plus expiratory reserve volume. FRC = RV+ERV
Inspiratory Capacity (IC). Maximum volume of air that can be inspired from end expiratory position. Called a capacity because it is the sum of tidal volume and inspiratory reserve volume. This capacity is of less clinical significance than the other three. IC = TV+IRV


The body box calculates lung volumes in realtion to pressure changes. Body plethysmography is the most accurate means available at this time to assess lung volumes because it is not limited by air trapping. If you have a closed container where volume can be adjusted using a reciprocating pump (typically 30ml) then the pressure in the container increases in amount proportional to the fractional decrease in container volume (i.e. PV=k).

* The calculation is based on Boyle's Law:
o V1 P1 T1 = V2 P2 T2
For the plethysmograph, the temperature is kept constant so:
P1 V1 = P2 V2
P1 and V1 are initial pressure and volume.
P2 and V2 are final pressure and volume.
Note: Both measurements are made at a constant temperature.

To calibrate the box pressure signal, a 30ml sinusoidal pump is used with the cabin door closed and the box sealed. The 30ml stroke of volume in and out of the sealed box causes a change in the box pressure signal. Thus the pressure change can be calibrated against a known volume. In body plethysmography, the patient sits inside an airtight box, inhales or exhales to a particular volume (usually FRC), and then a shutter drops across their breathing valve. The subject makes respiratory efforts against the closed shutter causing their chest volume to expand and decompressing the air in their lungs. The increase in their chest volume slightly reduces the box volume and thus increases the pressure in the box. This method of measuring FRC actually measures all the conducting pathways including abdominal gas; the actual measurement made is VTG (Volume of Thoracic gas).


During helium dilution measurement of lung volumes, patients breathe from a known volume and concentration of helium gas for a period of typically 4 to 7 minutes. The oxygen concentration in the starting mixture is set at 30% to ensure patients with COPD can remain comfortable during the test. A carbon dioxide absorber is situated in line with expired breath to keep the closed-circuit CO2 level below 0.5% and avoid discomfort and hyperventilation. Oxygen is added to the system to maintain the starting volume in the spirometer.

Once connected to the closed-circuit, equilibration between the starting and final helium concentrations should occur within 7 minutes. A state of equilibrium is defined as helium concentration changes of less than 0.02% over a 30 second interval.The functional residual capacity (FRC) is calculated from the helium concentrations as follows:

FRC = (% helium initial - % helium final) / % helium final x system volume

The dead space of the system (patient valve, filter and mouthpiece) is subtracted from this value. The FRC can be underestimated with the helium dilution technique in conditions such as bullous emphysema or severe airways obstruction. Trapped lung gas does not communicate with the inhaled helium mixture. Plethysmographic measurement of lung volumes is preferred in these cases. The FRC can be overestimated or unmeasurable when leaks are present. Leaks may develop in the equipment valves or circuitry, or, more commonly, at the mouthpiece. A system leak is likely to be the cause if the graph of the delivered helium concentration does not flatten, ie, when equilibrium is not reached, within 7 minutes.

Nitrogen recovery is another gas dilution technique for measuring lung volumes. Only those instruments that can measure DLCO can offer N2 recovery ability. Since N2 is resident in the lung at all times, it has an infinite time to reach whatever communicating airways it can. During the performance of DLCO, the subject exhales to residual volume (all the way empty) and then breathes-in diffusion gas until completely full (TLC). The new N2 from the DLCO mixture rapidly mixes with the N2 that was in the residual volume and thus TLC can be directly measured. The technique has to assume the partial pressure of CO2 in the alveolar at the start of the test. For this reason, having a separate measure of PACO2 (alveolar CO2) from an end-tidal CO2 monitor can greatly improve accuracy on patients with COPD.

Bronchial Provocation (Challenge) Testing

"To define whether nonspecific airway hyperreactivity is a mechanism for atypical chest symptoms of unclear origin, inhalational challenge tests are often used in the pulmonary function laboratory. Methacholine and histamine are the agents most often used with this procedure, although other agents may also be useful. Methacholine is considered safe, can be used in outpatient clinics, and has no systemic side effects. Challenge testing determines presence of airway hyper reactivity. After initial spirometry, patient inhales a specific concentration of methacholine chloride and spirometry is repeated. A reduction in FEV1 20% below the prior test indicates asthma. When the baseline spirogram is relatively normal, inhalational challenge may be performed by aerosolizing progressive concentrations of methacholine by a dosimeter. This is typically performed as a five-stage procedure with five different increasing concentrations. After each stage, the patient performs a spirometry. When there is a 20% reduction in the FEV1, the test is terminated and is considered positive for airway hyperreactivity. The provocative concentration dosage level of the inhalational agent required to produce a 20% reduction in the FEV1 is labeled PC20FEV1. If the drop in FEV1 is less than 20% after five stages of this procedure, the challenge test is considered negative for airway hyperreactivity. A PC20FEV1 of less than 8 mg/mL suggests clinically important airway hyperreactivity.

When the baseline spirogram is relatively normal, inhalational challenge may be performed by aerosolizing progressive concentrations of methacholine by a dosimeter. This is typically performed as a five-stage procedure with five different increasing concentrations. After each stage, the patient performs a spirometry. When there is a 20% reduction in the FEV1, the test is terminated and is considered positive for airway hyperreactivity. The provocative concentration dosage level of the inhalational agent required to produce a 20% reduction in the FEV1 is labeled PC20FEV1. If the drop in FEV1 is less than 20% after five stages of this procedure, the challenge test is considered negative for airway hyperreactivity. A PC20FEV1 of less than 8 mg/mL suggests clinically important airway hyperreactivity." Cleveland Clinic Information site

(An In Vitro Study to Investigate the Use of a Breath-Actuated, Small-Volume, Pneumatic Nebulizer for the Delivery of Methacholine Chloride Bronchoprovocation Agent)
Jolyon P Mitchell PhD C Chem, Mark W Nagel, Sara Lou Bates, and Cathy C Doyle

Exhaled Nitric Oxide
The measurement of exhaled nitric oxide as a reflection of airway inflammation is gaining rapid acceptance as a pulmonary function test. Normal values have been shown to depend on the exhaled flow rate during the measurement. The test is repeated until three reproducible results are obtained. The mean value is reported. Patients are asked to inspire to total lung capacity and then exhale into an analyzer using a steady, controlled exhaled flow rate. The test is rapid and safe and can be performed by most patients. The normal values shown in the Table below. Cleveland Clinic Information site

PFT Quality Control Standards

Pulmonary function tests are most useful when performed with good technique and with an accurate system. Using standard techniques in performing the tests minimizes diagnostic and therapeutic errors. This report
discusses the rationale and limits of standardization and offers practical suggestions for using available standards to increase confidence in test results. (Standards and Interpretive Issues in Lung Function Testing)
Robert O Crapo MD and Robert L Jensen PhD.

"Diagnostic tests can only increase or decrease the probability of the asthma diagnosis, so a thorough history is very important. In patients with asthma-like symptoms, spirometric evidence of airway obstruction plus a large bronchodilator response makes asthma much more likely. However, normal spirometry is common in patients with mild asthma who are not symptomatic at the time of testing, and patients with poorly controlled asthma may lack substantial bronchodilator response. Inhalation challenge test often helps confirm asthma in patients with normal spirometry." (Making the Diagnosis of Asthma) Meredith C McCormack MD MHS and Paul L Enright MD.

Pulmonary Artery Catheter Line

While the PA catheter is inserted, the monitor will display the various pressure waveforms associated with the catheter’s position in the heart and vessels.

During the insertion procedure, the first waveform will be the right atrial pressure. This wave will resemble a CVP wave. The following waveform will be the right ventricular pressure as the catheter passes through the right ventricle. During this time, the patient may experience some ventricular dysrhythmias that disappear as soon as the catheter exits the right ventricle. The catheter will enter the pulmonary artery and this will be its resting place for the majority of the time. Finally, when the balloon is inflated, the catheter will float into the pulmonary capillary and the resulting waveform will be the wedge pressure.

The proximal port, commonly termed the CVP port, is used to measure right atrial or central venous pressure. It is also used for medication infusion and fluid boluses for cardiac output measurement.

The distal port is used for PA pressure measurements and PCWP measurements when the balloon is inflated. Mixed venous blood gases can also be drawn from this port. The balloon port which is located at the tip of the catheter is inflated with a small amount of air (less than 1.5cc). When inflated, this balloon allows the catheter to float into a pulmonary artery branch vessel. This is refered to as a wedge position. This position allows pressure measurements to be made that indirectly reflect left ventricular end diastolic pressure.

The thermistor port is connected to the patient’s monitor via a cable and allows the display of continuous temperature readings. These temperature readings are essential to calculate cardiac output measurements. The actual thermistor is located just proximal to the balloon. In order to determine the cardiac output value, cool injectate is delivered rapidly through the proximal port of the PA catheter. A temperature curve is plotted over time as the cool injectate causes the pulmonary artery temperature to fall. It then rises back to the previous core temperature as warm blood continues in circulation.

Central Venous Pressure (CVP):
CVP readings are used to approximate the Right Ventricular End Diastolic Pressure (RVEDP). The RVEDP assesses right ventricular function and general fluid status.
o Low CVP values typically reflect hypovolemia or decreased venous return.
o High CVP values reflect overhydration, increased venous return or right sided cardiac failure.

Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP):
Reflects changes in the relationship between cardiac output (CO) and systemic vascular resistance (SVR) and reflects the arterial pressure in the vessels perfusing the organs.
o A low MAP indicates decreased blood flow through the organs.
o A high MAP indicates an increased cardiac workload.

Preload occurs during diastole. It is the combination of pulmonary blood filling the atria and the stretching of myocardial fibers. Preload is regulated by the variability in intravascular volume.
o Volume reduction decreases preload
o Volume increase will increase preload, mean arterial pressure (MAP) and stroke index (SI).

Pulmonary Artery Pressure (PA Pressure):
Blood pressure in the pulmonary artery.
o Increased pulmonary artery pressure may indicate: a left-to-right cardiac shunt, pulmonary artery hypertension, COPD or emphysema, pulmonary embolus, pulmonary edema, left ventricular failure.

Pulmonary Capillary Wedge Pressure (PCWP or PAWP):
PCWP pressures are used to approximate LVEDP (left ventricular end diastolic pressure).
o High PCWP may indicate left ventricle failure, mitral valve pathology, cardiac insufficiency, cardiac compression post hemorrhage.

Pulmonary Vascular Resistance (PVR):
The measurement of resistance or the impediment of the pulmonary vascular bed to blood flow.
o An increased PVR or "Pulmonary Hypertension" is caused by pulmonary vascular disease, pulmonary embolism, or pulmonary vasculitis, or hypoxia.
o A decreased PVR is caused by medications such as calcium channel blockers, aminophylline, or isoproterenol or by the delivery of O2.

Right Ventricular Pressure (RV Pressure):
A direct measurement that indicates right ventricular function and general fluid status.
o High RV pressure may indicate: pulmonary hypertension, right ventricle failure, congestive heart failure.

Stroke Index or Stroke Volume Index: (SI or SVI):
The amount of blood ejected from the heart in one cardiac cycle, relative to Body Surface Area (BSA). It is measured in ml per meter square per beat.
o An increased SVI may be indicative of early septic shock, hyperthermia, hypervolemia or be caused by medications such as dopamine, dobutamine, or digitalis.
o A decreased SVI may be caused by CHF, late septic shock, beta blockers, or an MI.

Stroke Volume (SV):
The amount of blood pumped by the heart per cardiac cycle. It is measured in ml/beat.
o A decreased SV may indicate impaired cardiac contractility or valve dysfunction and may result in heart failure.
o An increased SV may be caused by an increase in circulating volume or an increase in inotropy.

Systemic Vascular Resistance (SVR):
The measurement of resistance or impediment of the systemic vascular bed to blood flow.
o An increased SVR can be caused by vasoconstrictors, hypovolemia, or late septic shock.
o A decreased SVR can be caused by early septic shock, vasodilators, morphine, nitrates, or hypercarbia.

Pulse Pressure = SAP Systolic - SAP Diastolic
M mean SAP = (SAP Systolic + 2*SAP Diastolic)/3
M ean PAP = (PAP Systolic + 2*PAP Diastolic)/3
SV Index = SV/BSA
Cardiac Output = (SV * HR) / 1000
Cardiac Index = CardiacOutput/BSA
BSA = (cm^0.718)*(kg^0.427)*0.007449
SVR = (meanSAP-meanRAP)*80/CardiacOutput
PVR = (meanPAP - Wedge Pressure)*80/CardiacOutput

Normal Values
SAP 100-140/60-90 mmHg
Mean SAP 70-100 mmHg
Pulse Pressure 30-50 mmHg
Heart Rate 60-100 bpm
RVP 17-30/0-6 mmHg
RAP 0-6 mmHg
Mean RAP 3 mmHg
PA Pressure 15-30/5-13 mmHg
Mean PA pressure 10-18 mmHg
Wedge Pressure 2-12 mmHg
SV 60-120 ml/contraction
SVI 40-5- ml/contraction/m^2
CO 3-7 L/min
CO index 2.5-4.5 L/min/m^2
SVR 800-1200 dynes/sec/cm^-5
PVR 120-250 dynes/sec/cm

Chest Tube Insertion

Drainage of the pleural space by means of a chest tube is the commonest intervention in thoracic trauma, and provides definitive treatment in the majority of cases. While a relatively simple procedure, it carries a significant complication rate, reported as between 2% and 10%. While many of these complications are relatively minor, some require operative intervention and deaths still occur.

A chest tube is indicated to drain the contents of the pleural space. Usually this will be air or blood, but may include other fluids such as chyle or gastric/oesophageal contents. Chest tube insertion is also appropriate to prevent the development of a pleural collection, such as after a thoractomy or to prevent a tension pneumothorax in the ventilated patient with rib fractures.

Absolute Indications
* Pneumothorax (tension, open or simple)
* Haemothorax
* Traumatic Arrest (bilateral)

Relative Indications
* Rib fractures & Positive pressure ventilation
* Profound hypoxia / hypotension & penetrating chest injury
* Profound hypoxia / hypotension and unilateral signs to a hemithorax

In most cases it is appropriate to wait for the chest X-ray to identify a pneumothorax or haemothorax before placing a chest tube. A haemothorax may also be identified on FAST ultrasound examination. However there are instances where the patient is in extremis and it is appropriate to place a chest tube without waiting for imaging studies. Patients in traumatic arrest with no cardiac output should have immediate decompression of both chest hemithoraces to exclude tension pneumothorax. Similarly, patients in shock or profoundly hypoxic with unilateral chest signs or evidence of penetrating trauma to a hemithorax should have a chest drain placed emergently.

Chest tube placement may be diagnostic as well as therapeutic. After entering the pleural cavity a finger is inserted, and depending on the position of the tract one may feel the texture of the lung surface (for contusion), the surface of the diaphragm (for lacerations) and the heart (for the presence of tamponade).

The nature of the materal draining from the tube is also important. If it is blood, the chances of requiring a thoracotomy are much higher if the blood is bright red and arterial rather than the dark red of venous blood. Drainage of intestinal contents implies either an oesophageal injury or stomach / bowel injury with diaphragmatic tear. A persistent air leak implies an underlying lung laceration, and large leaks may indicate bronchial disruption.

Although often performed in emergent conditions, attention to technique in placing the chest tube is vital to avoid complications from the procedure.

The chest tube is placed (on the correct side) in the mid- or anterior- axillary line, behind pectoralis major (to avoidhaving to dissect through this thick muscle). On expiration, the diaphragm rises to the 5th rib at the level of the nipple, and thus chest drains should be placed above this level. Rib spaces are counted down from the 2nd rib at the sternomanubrial joint. Practically, the highest rib space that can be easily felt in the axilla (usually the 4th or 5th) is the most appropriate.

Underwater Seal
An underwater seal is used to allow air to escape through the drain but not to re-enter the thoracic cavity. The drainage bottle should always be kept below the level of the patient, otherwise its contents will siphon back into the chest cavity.Persistent bubbling of air through the water indicates an air leak from the lung. Chest tubes should NEVER be clamped for any reason, to avoid the development of a tension pneumothorax.The air outlet of the underwater seal may be connected to moderate suction (-20cm water) to assist in lung re-expansion. This is more important in the presence of an air leak.

Chest drains may be removed when they are no longer draining any fluid and any air leak has resolved. Removal is ideally performed with two people - one to remove the tube and one to occlude the drain site. The tube should be removed either at the end of expiration or at peak inspiration, to avoid further air being entrained into the pleural cavity.The area is cleaned and sterilised. An occlusive dressing is prepared and held ready. Any stay sutures are removed. With the patient holding his breath (out or in), the tube removed rapidly and the occlusive dressing applied.Some surgeons prefer to use a purse-string or U-suture to close the wound. This may be placed at the time of drain insertion. While there is no detriment in using a closing suture, they probably serve little purpose and the purse-string especially may produce an ugly scar.

AARC Clinical Practice Guideline for Bronchoscopy


Thoracentesis from Cruz Rincon on Vimeo.

* Effusion without a secure clinical diagnosis (e.g., CHF) or small quantity
* Thoracentesis is a diagnostic procedure done in patients who have abnormal amounts of fluid accumulation in the pleural space.
* The procedure is usually done at the bedside under local anesthesia.
* The needle is placed through the chest wall into the pleural space and fluid is then withdrawn into a syringe.

Screening for Thoracentesis
1. History of bleeding disorders or use of anticoagulants
2. Chest x-ray : Make sure that the fluid is not loculated. This will have a bearing on the Thoracentesis site.
3. Platelet count and PT should be reviewed in patients in whom you have reason to believe they could be abnormal. It is not necessary to perform them routinely in other clinical situations.

Selection of Site
The posterior approach is superior.
1. The posterior gutter is deep and is the dependent site where the fluid tends to accumulate in the erect position.
2. The interspaces are wider in the back as compared to the front.
3. The neurovascular bundle is closer to the inferior margin of the rib posteriorly. Thus, there is a safer space to enter the chest.

It is scary to see the needle enter the chest. Hence, the anterior approach is not preferred.
If we select the axillary approach, it is inconvenient to position the patient's arm for the duration of the procedure. The arm will be in the way.

* It is most comfortable to make the patient straddle a chair.
* He should lean forward on a pillow.
* A nurse can stand in front of the patient and hold the patient's hand.
* We would like to select a site that is dependent and safely away from important structures. The ideal interspace is the 7th, 8th or 9th space, midway between the posterior axillary line and midline. This site avoids possible accidental puncture of the liver, spleen, diaphragm and descending aorta.
* Some experts recommend using the interspace below the upper limit of dullness.
* Of course, in loculated or small effusions, you will select the site most likely to yield fluid.

Chest X-Ray Analysis & Interpretation

Basic Chest X-Ray Interpretation,
Adam Guttentag, M.D.

Interpretation of the ICU Chest Film, Joss D. Fernandez MD, Spencer B. Gay, MD, Paul M. Dee, MD, Raymond C. Rubner, MD, John M. Jackson, MEd University of Virginia Health Sciences Center, Department of Radiology

Hemothorax from Gun Shot Wound

Heliox Therapy

Purpose / Description:
Helium’s density is less than Nitrogen’s, so at any given gas flow there is less turbulence. This property of helium can benefit patients with airway obstructions by improving gas exchange, lowering airway resistance, and reducing work of breathing.
Indications / Applications of Heliox:
The use of heliox has led to clinical improvement in respiratory distress and reduced work of breathing in a variety of obstructive lesions including:
1. Upper Airway Obstruction:
a. Viral & post-extubation croup
b. Anaphylaxis
c. Vocal cord paralysis
d. Upper airway masses, including tumors
2. Lower Airway Obstruction
a. Asthma
c. Brochiolitis
d. Bronchopulmonary dysplasia

Heliox Therapy in Acute Severe Asthma
, Jonathan E. Kass, MD, FCCP; and Richard J. Castriotta, MD, FCCP
Barachl in 1935 was the first to use helium to improve air flow in patients with airways obstruction, but it was soon cast aside for other treatment modalities. Since then, it has been relegated mainly to use in upper airway obstruction or to diagnostic studies. Safety and efficacy have been demonstrated for both spontaneously breathing patients and for intubated patients receiving mechanical ventilation, but its therapeutic potential has not been fully explored. Helium has no bronchodilating or anti-inflammatory properties and in fact is quite inert. Since airway resistance in turbulent flow is directly related to the density of the gas, helium, with its lower density than nitrogen or oxygen, results in lower airway resistance. Helium further lowers airway resistance by reducing the Reynolds number, such that some areas of turbulent flow are converted to laminar flow. The reduction in airway resistance results in a decreased work of breathing. Although the mortality from asthma is rising, there has been a paucity of new treatments for acute severe asthma. Previous reports have shown an almost universal response to heliox in acute severe asthma. We wish to report our experience with heliox and our attempt to better define its utility by discerning patterns of response.

Heliox During Mechanical Ventilation
, Shekhar T Venkataraman MD
The indications for heliox during mechanical ventilation are lower-airway obstruction, especially with hypercarbia; need to enhance aerosol delivery to lung periphery; and need to facilitate weaning from mechanical ventilation. Certain ventilators perform relatively well with heliox and are not substantially affected by it. It is preferable to connect the heliox to the air inlet of the ventilator, because this results in more consistent delivery of oxygen and tidal volume. When administering heliox, pay close attention and directly monitor the actual tidal volume and fraction of inspired oxygen.

Respiratory Emergencies in Children
, Alexandre T Rotta MD and Budi Wiryawan MD
The administration of a mixture of helium and oxygen (heliox) can be of benefit in the treatment of selected patients with severe forms of LTB. Helium is a very light, odorless, tasteless, noncombustible, and physiologically inert gas. It is has a very low gas density (0.1785 g/L) in comparison to room air (1.20 g/L). Therefore, a mixture of helium and oxygen can create a respirable gas with a density lower that of an oxygen/nitrogen mixture or oxygen alone (1.43 g/L). The low density of heliox reduces the gas turbulence in the airways (and around the obstruction) and the pressure gradient needed to generate respiratory flow, thus decreasing the work of breathing and benefiting the patient who is suffering an airway obstruction. Effective mixtures of helium and oxygen contain between 80:20 and 60:40 parts of each gas, respectively. Therefore, patients with a high oxygen requirement (greater than 40%) are unlikely to benefit from this therapy. Heliox should only be administered from a pre-mixed heliox cylinder with 80% helium and 20% oxygen, so as to prevent the possibility of asphyxia by accidentally delivering 100% helium, as would be the case if the oxygen cylinder were empty. Higher oxygen concentration can be obtained by blending in oxygen from an oxygen cylinder with the heliox


CPR (Adult)

* Airway
* Breathing
* Circulation


"A" is for AIRWAY. If the victim is unconscious and is unresponsive, you need to make sure that his airway is clear of any obstructions. The breaths may be faint and shallow - look, listen and feel for any signs of breathing. If you determine that the victim is not breathing, then something may be blocking his air passage. The tongue is the most common airway obstruction in an unconscious person.

With the victim lying flat on his back, place your hand on his forehead and your other hand under the tip of the chin (Figure 1). Gently tilt the victim's head backward. In this position the weight of the tongue will force it to shift away from the back of the throat, opening the airway (Figure 2).

If the person is still not breathing on his own after the airway has been cleared, you will have to assist him breathing


"B" is for BREATHING. With the victim's airway clear of any obstructions, gently support his chin so as to keep it lifted up and the head tilted back. Pinch his nose with your fingertips to prevent air from escaping once you begin to ventilate and place your mouth over the victim's, creating a tight seal (Figure 1).

As you assist the person in breathing, keep an eye on his chest. Try not to over-inflate the victim's lungs as this may force air into the stomach, causing him to vomit. If this happens, turn the person's head to the side and sweep any obstructions out of the mouth before proceeding.

Give two full breaths. Between each breath allow the victim's lungs to relax - place your ear near his mouth and listen for air to escape and watch the chest fall as the victim exhales (Figure 2).

If the victim remains unresponsive (no breathing, coughing or moving), check his circulation


"C" is for CIRCULATION. In order to determine if the victim's heart is beating, place two fingertips on his carotid artery, located in the depression between the windpipe and the neck muscles (Figure 1), and apply slight pressure for several seconds.

If there is no pulse then the victim's heart is not beating, and you will have to perform chest compressions

When performing chest compressions, proper hand placement is very important. To locate the correct hand position place two fingers at the sternum (the spot where the lower ribs meet) then put the heel of your other hand next to your fingers (Figure 1).

Place one hand on top of the other and interlace the fingers (Figure 2). Lock your elbows and using your body's weight, compress the victim’s chest. The depth of compressions should be approximately 1½ to 2 inches - remember: 2 hands, 2 inches (Figure 3). If you feel or hear slight cracking sound, you may be pressing too hard. Do not become alarmed and do not stop your rescue efforts! Damaged cartilage or cracked ribs are far less serious than a lost life. Simply apply less pressure as you continue compressions.

Count aloud as you compress 30 times at the rate of about 3 compressions for every 2 seconds. Finish the cycle by giving the victim 2 breaths. This process should be performed four times - 30 compressions and 2 breaths - after which remember to check the victim's carotid artery for pulse and any signs of consciousness.

If there is no pulse, continue performing 30 compressions/2 breaths, checking for pulse after every 4 cycles until help arrives.

If you feel a pulse (i.e. the victim's heart is beating) but the victim is still not breathing, rescue breaths should be administered, one rescue breath every five seconds (remember to pinch the nose to prevent air from escaping). After the first rescue breath, count five seconds and if the victim does not take a breath on his own, give another rescue breath.



25. Oratracheal Intubation

Orotracheal Intubation from Cruz Rincon on Vimeo.